Little Lost Beings

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I was still in my hospital gown when they took me.

I recalled talking to Ray right before I fell asleep or passed out–I wasn't sure.

I was in a cold, damp place and it wasn't lit up like a lot of Hector's underground operations. It was different - sinister.

I was woozy, but I found my way to another hall. Clearly I wasn't going to make it too far. If someone went to all of this trouble just let me wander around, there wasn't an easy way out.

"Hello, Tori."

"Hi Ray..."

Not in the least bit shocked that he was settled in next to a few girls looking greasy and villainesque. I couldn't have hated the guy more if I tried.

"Sorry about all of this, little one. You and your father just got in the fucking way."

I was so out of it I could barely see straight.

What was he talking about and what did he give me?

"Just a little anesthesia."

"Y-you won't, -"

"Get away with it? I've gotten away with many things so far, my dear."

He got up and I tried to take a step back but fumbled to the ground.

"I'd say be careful because of the baby, but it won't matter once both of you are dead. "


That son of a bitch Donnie was as good as dead.

It's almost as if Tori slipped off the fucking face of the Earth. I went back to the hospital to ask about her records and lab work and, yes, she was pregnant.

Glenn told me to take the guys and look for her. Yeah, I was doing that, but it was hard to do vigilante justice when you had the FBI up your ass.

"All of the warehouses are wiped clean!" Calvin was saying, but I wasn't listening. An APB was put out on Ray, but they found the orderly dead. Poor bastard didn't even see it coming.

But what about the baby? I felt like I was in a nightmare that I couldn't wake up from. I couldn't even take care of myself or the love of my life and now she was out there, somewhere unsafe, pregnant with my baby.


"We gave you enough drugs that even if you did survive, that baby sure as hell wouldn't. Why would we want another rat running around?"

I couldn't even cry. Crying wasn't an option. I knew my location. I'd been here once before with my father.

It was closer to the lake house, but the next county over and deep into the woods. I'd been sneaking around playing hide and seek and discovered this bunker.

"Your old man, Tommy fucking Knox, isn't coming for you, either. I'm playing this out because it's a long time coming," Ray smiled, "If you're gonna be dead soon, why not get my kicks?"

A phone buzzed and Ray took the call, but all I could do was slide down the wall I was holding onto and pray.


"We're scouring the woods now," Any was telling me, but it was only giving me ideas about where to post my men.


"He fled Into them, but we figured he had a secure getaway," Calvin said, "Looks like a few more drop offs have been made. Someone must be working the same hustle you and Tori have been. "

It seemed possible, but who could have been helping us without us knowing?

I was going to get that mother fucker myself. I never cared for Donnie, but he was OK to be around.

"What about Shane?"

"Your friend Shane is so out of the loop," Amy sounded, almost sympathetically, "He was definitely in it for the thrill. We spoke with him and he's keeping an eye on Hazel and Lexi."

I was more pissed off that we'd been watched now than anything.

"I advise you not to go in there alone," Amy warned. Having my arm in a sling didn't help me much, but I needed to get to Tori. The woods are the only place we hadn't looked.

Calvin even told me they'd checked flights and bus terminals, docks and every road out of town. All operations had been shut down, but not one person had the slightest clue where the masterminds were.

Glenn managed to escape the confines of the hospital and get to me.

"You need me, little brother, and I promise we're gonna find her!" Glenn said as we headed out into the woods, keeping in contact with the guys already out in the field.

"I'm going to kill them all, Glenn," I was seething and couldn't contain my emotions, "She's pregnant, Glenn."

"What?" Glenn stopped me, grabbing my good arm, "Tell me you're fucking joking."

I don't know what look I gave him, but his face softened.

"Wow..." Glenn shook his head and smiled, "You're gonna be a dad? Shit! That makes me an uncle!"

He kept staring at me because I know every fear, all the sorrow and trepidation, and the thought of losing my girlfriend and our unborn child came flooding over me.

"We'll get them, bro," Glenn said, contiuing on.

I felt uneasy and it wasn't because of all the shit that was happening. I tried to keep Amy on the phone, but out in the sticks there was no service. Tori had lost her phone in between her assault on the boat and God knows where.

Someone was watching us. Glenn was getting pretty far ahead of me and it was hard to keep up because I was seeing things out of the corner of my eye every few seconds.

"Glenn! Hold up, man!" I was out of breath and made a mental note to either stop smoking or get a new set of lungs because I couldn't see Glenn anymore. The sky was black and the wind had whipped up.

"Fucking hell!" I said as the droplets of rain came down like golf balls, "Glenn!"

I couldn't see Glenn at all now, but I could hear him—or someone.

Suddenly, someone grabbed me from behind and I struggled—dammit I struggled. I fought hard because all I could think about was getting to Tori and whether or not Glenn was OK.

I fell to the ground, out of breath and completely disoriented. They didn't even need to point a gun at my head. I felt a pin prick in my neck and some goon standing next to my mother and Donnie grabbed me by the hair and pulled me to my feet.

Donnie smacked me in the face as my mother watched with glee.

"Tommy, Tommy, just couldn't leave well enough alone," Mom was saying as the guy dragged me off, both Donnie and my mother following closely behind us.

Donnie sighed, scowling at me as I slowly drifted in and out.

"All because you fell in love with the rat."

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