Mixed Signals

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I carried her ever so carefully into the house because I'd no clue what injury she had or what the hell had happened. I placed her on the sofa in the den, propping her head on some pillows and tossing orders left and right.

"Get a wet cloth. Call 911. Did anyone come out the front door?" I asked the questions and gave the commands, but I had absolutely no answer for the last question. No one saw a thing.

I roamed her body for any severe injuries and I was just so angry at how tattered her clothes were. Someone was going to do the utmost damage to my girl.

The ambulance showed up followed by the cops. By then, Tori had roused and was sitting up, holding an ice pack to her forehead. She didn't argue when I held on to her, but I don't think she had a ton of physical fight left after what had happened.

Danny wasn't too happy at this, but I didn't give a fuck.

They took her to the hospital and I followed close behind. Danny did the same, but I wasn't so sure he'd be of any help. He looked like he wanted nothing to do with the cops there to talk to her.

Ray had showed up and so did a few others, asking loads of questions that we had no answers to.

The minute they were finished with him, Danny bailed.

"What about Tori? Didn't she come with you?" I asked, lowering my eyes at the shithead before me.

"Yeah, she's a target. I don't need that shit."

"Wow, you're such a great guy."

"Fuck you, Tommy. You're no better than me," Danny said, walking off, "You're the one she's got the hots for anyway."

I turned to look back at the room Tori was in. If only Danny was right.

Tori wasn't enjoying his company these days anyway, but she'd have to deal with it.

"What are you doing?" She asked as they walked out of the hospital.

"If you're looking for shithead, he left," I told her, helping her to the car. She looked a little disappointed, but not too shocked.

"Are you taking me home?"

"Yes, and I'm not leaving you there by yourself so don't waste your time arguing," I said as she slid into the passenger's side.

The ride home was quiet. She didn't have a concussion, so I let her doze.

"Ray said he'd have people watch the house," I told her, "It's clear they already know you're involved with me."

She didn't argue that, either.

"I don't know what happened," She began as we sat in her driveway, "The guy was on me in a flash and he knew me. He even called me rat and you know that's personal."

I did know and I didn't like it. The guy must have run out the back door because no one saw a single person come out of that lake house until she did.

"Could be a classmate," I nodded, "Could be someone who knows what we're up to."

She looked at me, but I couldn't make out her expression in the dark. We watched the patrol car drive by.

"It's someone leaving a message," She said.

"Raping you would be a message all right," I said, angrily.

"I don't understand why someone would take the chance at the party."

"Because it's a party and people were fucking everywhere," I reminded her, "Maybe you should lay low for a while."

"Like hell."


I wasn't going to let this deter me, but it made me uneasy having Tommy stay at my place. I figured the culprit was just someone who had it out for my dad, but Tommy might have been on to something.

The person was clearly following us—or at least me and I wasn't about to let Danny out of my sight.

As naive as it sounded, I didn't believe Tommy was involved. He hated human trafficking and pimping out girls. He'd even stopped because it was all too much for him.

"Thank you,"I said as we entered the house and he helped me to the couch, "Can you,-"

"Already on it," He was almost out the door with Moe before I could ask him.

My head was hurting and I just wanted to shower, but I was a little dizzy..

While Tommy dealt with Moe, I tried to make my way to the shower, yet it seemed impossible for me to even get down the hall without stumbling.

"I gotcha," Tommy said, picking me up, "Where do you need to go?"

I sighed, "I-uh...I need to shower."

"Why don't I give you a bath?"


"No strings," He said, carrying me to the bathroom, "I promise."

"I don't want to lead you on," I admitted.

"I have severe blue balls, but I'll manage," He chuckled.

"What about your little date?"

"Paige? She was just there to make you jealous," He told me, settling me on the side of the tub and starting the water. He took off my boots and socks and then made his way to my pants. I stiffened.

"Are you OK?" He asked me, looking at my worried expression.

"No, but I will be."

He proceeded to undress me, stopping at my Hello Kitty tattoo on my thigh.

"Really?" He smiled at me.

"I told you get used to the new me."

"It looks good actually."

He helped me into the bathtub. It was warm and I melted into it.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked him.

"Because I love you, Tori, and even if I have to get over you I'm going to take care of you while you're here with me."

If he only knew....

It felt so good to have him run his hands over my body, but I didn't want him to know that. He didn't linger though. He just washed me and allowed me to cater to my private parts.

"Do you want to wash your hair?" He asked me, "Let me check your head."

He carefully took away the bandage and examined my forehead.

"That dick did a number on you," He snarled, "Let me wash your hair and then I'll get some meds for you and salve for the wound."

"Will it scar?" I asked.

He shrugged, "If it does, it won't take away from your beauty."

My pussy almost exploded in the bathtub.

I smiled and allowed him to do what he said was going to do for me.

He let me soak for a little while longer before coming back to the bathroom with my Hello Kitty pajamas and a pair of panties.

Tommy showered and grabbed a snack before tucking me into my bed.

"Stay with me."

"Are you sure?" He asked, hesitantly, "I can take the couch."

"Just get in here."

He crawled into the bed with me and I couldn't help but roll over and let him hold me. I found myself trailing my fingers down to his bulge.

"Tori..." He sounded sleepy, but confused.

"I don't want this," I lied even though I was the one making the first move.

"Then don't do this," He said, "Shouldn't do something you'll regret later."

I sighed, "Why would I regret it?"

Tommy looked at me with sad eyes, "I love you, Tori, and I need to feel you. I want you and I want you right now. To be honest, I don't care if you love me at this exact moment because feeling you wrapped around my dick is all I want—if that's the only way you'll have me."

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