bored in school

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"Hay Y/N wake up"
"Before the teacher notices that you are asleep."

Two voices whispered softly to you as you started to doze off in class and eventually you fell asleep when you woke up you noticed that the two people who woke you up was sal and larry.

    You kinda wanted to eat but lunch is                             after this class.

    "Hay Sal do you have any snacks?"                You ask Sal. He turns to look at you and hands you a note and he turns back around like nothing happened. He seemed so confident as he gave you that note on your desk

The note said
"Do you wanna go on a date? also no i don't have any snacks sorry!
-sally face-"

You were in shock when you read the note you started to blush then you circled YES and handed it back with a little note at the bottom. you were kinda excited.

"Hay Sal i would love to go on a date with you but where should we go? Also ask larry if he has snacks I'm hungry."

He grabbed it and he read it because he grabbed a new piece of paper and asked Larry a question so you knew he read your little note you left on the other side of it. You knew sal sense he moved in the Addison apartments because you where hanging with Larry when he introduced himself you lived across the street and it's been over a year sensed he moved in and you've known him and ever sense hes mask fell off that one time you were kinda in love the only people that knew were Larry and Todd.

The next note came to you

"Let's talk at lunch about the  ♡+*Ɗɑɫë*+♡
But rn he did he had some candy here is a (put in your favorite candy here). 

How did Larry know that that is your favorite type of candy. you could tell that sal was nervous about something you weren't sure what about though you  kinda wanted to know and kinda didn't want to know. Then you noticed how he wrote his name it was charming and then you were in love with it you will always keep it and the way he messed with the note and got creative and started to mess with the word date it was adorable. he was adorable.

Sorry if this is kinda short but i had to think of something to write

i wonder---sally face x reader (female) Where stories live. Discover now