almost norml day

11 0 0

Warning cussing, self h**m, and s*ic*de

It was lunch time and you sat right next to sal and larry. Ash was sitting across from you and you started to be annoyed because Travis was talking shit about you and you could tell that sal and Larry's blood was boiling when he said something about you that was something like.

"When will they eat a salad? their getting fat!"

Witch no one was ok with sal and Larry especially. He would say that kinda stuff all the time about you because he knew it pissed sally face off the most. it would make you feel bad about your self all the time. But this time it felt like he was really trying Larry's Patience.

"Hay freak why don't you go and kill yourself!"

He must have seen your scars...

Then sal stood up and went over to Travis and got in to this whole fight with him. Sal started to punch and kick Travis was starting to bleed.

"STOP" you yell across the room they stopped because its you. They both said shit before you walked over to the fighting position they were in it was weird. Its the one position that was like one is on top and the other is on the bottom. Sal was on top and Travis was on bottom. Travis was a bloody mess. sally face you could barely tell if he was hurt or not.

Time skip

It was after school and you wanted to go ride the bus but you also wanted to walk home with sal. You walked todd and ash rode the bus. Larry left early. so it was just you and sal.

"Hay i wonder can i take off your mask?" You ask "only if you are ok with it!"

"Only if i get to take something off of you." He said .


You wondered what he meant by that but also did know what he meant. You were only wearing a hoodie and a tight T-shirt that showed all your scars. with some black ripped jeans so if he took off any thing it would be your hoodie.

"If i let you take off my mask then i can take something like your hoodie off. That is what i meant chill." He then chuckled.

"Yeah sure I'm fine with that" you said but you kinda wanted more than just the hoodie...

Time skip again

Once you got to sals room you looked around and it felt different for some reason. As you sat on sals bed it was nice and relaxing.

"Did you actually want to take off my mask or?" He said while looking at you.

"Oh yeah but didn't you want to take off one of my things?"

"Yeah i did so could you please take my mask off now."

"On yeah sure."

As you are taking off his mask you could tell he is fidgety.

"Hay are you ok?" You ask after finishing taking off the mask.

"Huh... Oh I'm fine its ok"

"Your really Fidgety i just wanted to make sure you were ok that's all..."

"Well if i tell/show you will you not care???"

"Of course." I'm starting to get concerned.

"Its because you are so hot and i wanna---"

His words stared to travel off. You weren't sure what he just said but you assumed it was something inappropriate.


He didn't say anything and just took off your hoodie looked at your scars. Blushed a little. And then kissed you. Your eyes were wide open but as you got more into the kiss your eyes started to slowly close. And then the kiss became a open mouth kiss. After about 2 or 3 minutes you stopped to get a breath a small string of sliva was hanging from each others mouths.

"Okay what was that all about?"

"Fuck... I love you y/n"

You were in shock even after he saw you sh scars he still liked you.

"Hay sal?"


"Can i sleep here tonight also can we kiss again..."

"Yeah and definitely."

You kissed again and after this one you cuddled with sal and fell asleep with him.

Story writer:
I am sorry if this is short for long story readers but i can't think of any  thing

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2023 ⏰

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