Seungmin was struggling to find something to wear, he couldn't decide on what to put on. Even his favourite hoodie didn't seem good enough that day.
In the end, he asked Jeongin for help and he wore a red hoodie with a pair of jeans.
He put his shoes on and left the dorm. He called a taxi to get him to the girl's house.
When he got there, he took a couple of deep breaths to calm himself down before ringing the doorbell.
A few seconds later, the door opened, revealing a wild Minyeong still in her pyjamas.
"You said you were coming in an hour" she said "Come in, I don't want you to catch a cold. Give me a second to get dressed and in the meantime you can play with Soka"
After Seungmin stepped inside, the girl closed the door and went to her bedroom to get changed.
The boy slowly walked around and he saw the dog lying on the couch.
As he got closer, Soka jumped off the couch and happily ran to the boy to greet him.Seungmin crouched down and started petting Soka on the head. The dog happily wiggled his tail as the boy gently stroked his soft fur.
Minyeong had just left her room in her new outfit when she saw one of the cutest things ever: Seungmin playing with her dog.
The boy had a big joyous smile plastered on his face as he was petting Soka. The dog also seemed very happy as he tried to lick the boy's face and his tail was wiggling like crazy.
The two looked so cute that Minyeong couldn't help put snap a pic of them. For research purposes, obviously, nothing else involved.
She did have to admit that the boy was pretty cute, very handsome also. Quite charming and funny too. She would have never admitted it though, she still had a reputation, kind of.
"Fraternising with the enemy?" The girl asked Seungmin as she walked closer
"It's just to get to know his weak point" the boy stood up, still smiling
He also had a beautiful smile, this boy has too many good qualities. She might even fall for him, if she hasn't already.
Soka barked, taking the girl back to reality.
"Shall we start the competition? I need to prove I'm cuter" Seungmin said, crouching down again
"What do you think, Soka? Who do you think will be winner?" The boy asked the dog as if he really could reply to his question
Minyeong laughed, which made Seungmin stand up. When he stood up, he didn't realise how close he actually was to the girl, probably just over 15 cm.
The girl stared at him, right in the eyes.
'Fuck, he also has gorgeous eyes' she thought
The boy also stared at her
'She's even prettier close-up like this' he thought
Very slowly they closed the distance between them. Just a couple centimetres were separating them now.
Seungmin delicately pulled the girl closer, making their lips touch.
Their kiss lasted not more than a couple of seconds, but for the two, it felt like years.
It was a delicate and quick kiss that both the boy and the girl really enjoyed."I-i need to go" Seungmin stuttered as he quickly left
The girl, still taken aback from what just happened, just stood there staring at nothing.
The boy had so much on his head that he decided to walk back to his dorm instead of calling a cab.
About half an hour later, when he finally reached his dorm, he went inside and robotically walked to the couch and sat down.
"Are you okay, Minnie?" Chan asked him, worried for his friend
"I kissed her hyung. I fucking kissed her"
Author Note: Okay, okay sorry I'm updating pretty late but here it is!
Hope you like it!
Also, I finished writing this ff and there are about 12 chapters left :)
Have a good day or night!

Pieces of a puzzle ☾Kim Seungmin☽
Fanfiction"I kissed her, hyung. And I loved it so fricking much" ▪︎Seungmin x female oc▪︎ ▪︎Short Chapters▪︎ ▪︎Text Au▪︎