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Soka was pulling the leash, impatient to get to the dog park.

"Calm down, Soka. We'll get there soon" the girl said, trying hard not to get dragged away by her dog

"Hand the leash to me. I'll handle him" Seungmin said, reaching for the leash

Minyeong nodded and handed it to the boy.
He was effortlessly able to walk at his own pace without getting dragged. He was quite strong and this was the proof.

About 5 minutes later, they reached the dog park. The two sat on a bench and then proceeded to unleash Soka, who ran away to play with the other dogs.

"Will he come back?" The boy asked a bit perplexed

"Yes don't worry. He comes back everytime" she reassured him, putting her hand on his

Seungmin interwined their fingers and placed a soft kiss on her hand "Am I officially Soka's dad now?"

She laughed "If you want to put it that way, yes"

"Oh my God, I am a dad" he pretended to try his imaginary tears

The girl burst out laughing and playfully hit her boyfriend's arm "Sometimes you're really funny"

He pouted and pretended to be offended "Aw come on, Min. I'm kidding~"

He rolled his eyes

"Okay, you're the funniest guy I know and you're the best boyfriend I could've ever asked for. Happy now?"

The boy smiled and kissed her "Super happy"

The two kept talking and laughing together for about an hour before they decided to head back home.

"Let's get Soka" Minyeong said "Soka come here!"

But the dog didn't come. The girl called his name again, but nothing happened.

The girl started to panic a bit: this has never happened before. Seungmin noticed it and hugged his girlfriend.

"Let's try to look for him" he said

The girl nodded slowly and started looking around.

After more than 10 minutes, they still hadn't found him. They were starting to get really worried.

"Oh wait" Minyeong exclaimed "There's a small play area behind those bushes over there. Let's check"

She ran to the place she mentioned, followed closely by her boyfriend.

As they hoped, Soka actually was there. He was asleep though. Right next to another dog, a female.

"Looks like he also found love" Seungmin joked

Minyeong slowly approached the dog and delicately woke him up.

He barked and wiggled his tail happily as he ran to Seungmin.

"Soka, how old are you my son?" The boy asked as he crouched down to pet the dog

Soka barked twice and Seungmin's eyes lit up as he turned his head to Minyeong "SEE? HE KNOWS! MY SON IS A GENIUS"

The girl couldn't help but smile at how cute they looked. Her boyfriend was so happy at that moment.

"Let's go home, big boy" Seungmin said, putting the leash back on

The trio happily walked together back to the girl's house.

It was 5 pm and Seungmin said that he really had to go back. He didn't want to, but they had practice, so he couldn't miss it.

"I'm sorry, I would really like to stay" he said goodbye very unwillingly "I'll text you later, princess"

The girl waved at him as he disappeared around the corner.
She then went inside the house with her dog and decided to watch something on TV while eating some snacks.

What she didn't realise, though, was that she was very tired and she soon fell asleep on the couch.

Author Note: I need to apologise in advance for the next chapter. It's gonna be pretty sad but it's a big plot twist and finally ✨️dRaMa✨️

On the other hand tho, I'm working on 3 new ffs I'll leave the like preview (a screenshot from like the story overview) of each story. Idk why but wattpad may be deleting those pics so sorry :<

 Idk why but wattpad may be deleting those pics so sorry :<

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