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"5...4...3...2...1... Happy New Year!" Everyone screamed

As the clock striked midnight, Seungmin kissed Minyeong. It was the first kiss of the year and surely wasn't going to be the last.

"Maybe it's a bit early, but I love you" the boy said, pulling away from the kiss

The girl looked at him before kissing him once more "I love you too"

"Let's get the alcohol ready, bitches!" Jeongin yelled, already drunk

With the help of Minho, Jeongin put a couple of bottles of soju and beer on one of the tables.

Meanwhile, the fireworks were lighting up the sky with their bright and vibrant colours.

Seungmin suddenly hugged her tightly

"What are you doing?" She asked confused

"I'm cold" He replied

She giggled and shared her coat with her boyfriend.
The girl rested her chin on the boy's shoulder and closed her eyes.
She could've even fallen asleep if the fireworks weren't so loud.

"Less hugging and more drinking!" Jeongin told them, he was now completely wasted

He gave us a bottle of beer each "Drink first then you can do the baby-making"

If he wasn't drunk, she would've probably slapped him.

As if Seungmin read her mind, he slapped the drunk boy on the back of the head.

"Why?" Jeongin asked on the verge of crying "Why are you always so mean to me?"

The couple was surprised at his reaction: they surely weren't expecting him to almost start crying.

The girl hugged the teary boy and gently stroked his hair "Don't worry, Innie. Seungmin was just joking. He's a good boy, I swear"

Jeongin seemed to calm down a bit "Noooo Seungmin is bad and mean. He's kind with you just because he loves you. That's not fair. Why doesn't he love me?"

"No Innie, he loves you, trust me. He's just a bit shy and has a very strange way of showing it" she reassured him

The boy dried his tears and broke the hug "Okay, I trust you. But if hyung is mean with me again I will cry."

Jeongin then smiled and ran off as if nothing had ever happened. The couple looked at each other and laughed before both taking a sip of beer.

"He shouldn't be drinking. He can't handle the alcohol at all" Seungmin said "But I wonder, if I cry will you hug and stroke my hair too?"

She laughed "You don't need to, you just need to ask"

She hugged her boyfriend tightly and stroked his fluffy hair.

"Your hair is really soft, I like it" Minyeong placed her head on his shoulder

"I could stay like this forever" he whispered

"Me too, Min. Me too"

They did in fact, stand there hugging each other for quite a while until someone disturbed them

"It's already 2 am we should get going" Chan said to the couple

Seungmin hummed in response "I'll drive you home, princess"

"But I want to cuddle" she whined, slightly tipsy

"We'll do it when we get back home" He explained

She nodded. Seungmin held her hand and, together, they left the building after bidding their goodbyes to Jaechan and the other members.

They quickly got into Seungmin's car and soon reached the girl's house.

They went inside, removed their shoes and walked straight to Minyeong's room.

The laid on the bed and cuddled as they watched a movie on her laptop until they both fell asleep in each other's arms.

Author Note: Okay, this probably is my favourite chapter of the whole story

Today I was like 'I need to write' but then I asked my friend for anime recommendations and now she's forcing me to watch Vanitas no Carte.

I guess I can't write until I finish it :/
(I'll try to though, I swear)

Have a good day or night!

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