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Jaechan Bruv

Are you free tomorrow?

I'm always free
What do you want to do?

My friends invited me to some kind of party for New Year's Eve
And I want you to come

Are they okay with it?
I mean
They don't know me

Ye ye
They better be
Or I'll convince them

Okay okay
Where do I have to go?

It's on JYP's rooftop at 11pm

Isn't that place closed off?

They have the keys

Oh okay
Let's meet at the entrance of the building at 10.50 pm

Okay great
See you tomorrow then Jae

Cya tomorrow YeoYeo
Don't die in your sleep or I won't have anyone to talk to

I'll die just because you told me not to

I'll resuscitate your dumbass

Try then

I took a CPR course a couple of years ago

You probably killed even the poor mannequin

Somehow I didn't
I even have the paper that states that I'm a pro life saver

You probably wrote the paper yourself

Bold of you assume I can write

Bold of you assume you can save a life



But no fr
Don't die
I still need my bestfriend

Don't you dare die
I need my bestfriend too

I can sleep peacefully now
I'm tired

Don't sleep too peacefully
Or you'll die

Sure boss
Don't worry
Good night

Good night dumbass

Author note: hello there! I'm literally so tired rn but I can't fall asleep :/

Also, I resumed watching Attack on Titan. I've watched the whole season 4 pt.1 and half of 4 pt.2 in a single day. I swear it's not my fault it's just too good of an anime ㅠㅠ

Have a good day or night!

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