Assassins Attack! The Vision Of Death...

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Zayla slid across the ground as a large phase ball zoomed over her head, she rolled falling down a small crevice to thud on her bottom beside Tanjiro, "ow..." she muttered. "You alright?" Tanjiro asked slightly amused. "No, this freaks been chasing us for ages". "Yeah, that's kinda what assassins do Zayla". "Oh shush..." They covered their heads as the assassin above put on a light show for them, "I believe he thinks his stronger than us", Tanjiro said. Zayla snorted, "idiot, we only ran to lead him away from the others". Tanjiro grinned, "you wanna take him or should I?" Zayla shrugged, "you're the one he nicked", she mentioned, nodding to the gash on his arm. "Fair enough", the ground began to shake. "Don't forget I'm down here!" Zayla yelled as he popped out of the ground using his earthly abilities. Tanjiro looked at the assassin, "hey, how's it going?" The assassin faced him, "finished running have you? Finally, first I'll peel the skin from you slowly leaving you slightly alive, then I'll find your woman and-" Tanjiro rolled his eyes with a sigh, "do things to her while you watch and I'll-" He stopped as Tanjiro held up his hand, "come on... do things to her? Did Rex hire you from a farm or something?" The assassin blinked, "No! Fine... I'll touch her low parts-" "Stop", Tanjiro made a disgusted face, "you're not gonna do anything dude, goodbye". He raised both hands causing two hard square lumps of the concrete ground to squash the assassin between. Blood splurged out towards the sky and Tanjiro, who used more of the ground to shield himself. He breath out, "that was a waste of effort", he muttered then glanced down the crevice, "hold still", he called down to Zayla, then used the dirt to raise her up. She grabbed his hand and joined him on solid ground, "ew..." she moaned seeing the aftermath of Tanjiro's attack. "What? Oh..." Tanjiro used his powers to flip the concrete over, "better?" "Jiro, you scare me sometimes you know...?" "Come on. Did you hear what that perve was saying? His gonna touch you down low or some crap, talk about cringe". "So he was a bootleg assassin, you didn't need to utterly destroy his entire body". Tanjiro shook his head, "there's just no pleasing some people. Fine, the next ones yours and you can send him off with a massive jolt from the sky prolonging his death until he explodes, oh wait... that's what you did to the last one". She nudged his injured arm, "ow! Hey..." She snorted, "alright, I get it". He held his arm, "we'd better get that seen to... although Ryku's gonna be furious". "His such a mum lately right?" "His just trying to make sure we all stay healthy..." She paused as he gave her a look, "you are so right, such a mum. But his been away from his sister and his always looked after..." She swallowed, "I'm sorry Jiro I-" "It's fine, let's go", he replied almost tight lipped. "Okay..." He noticed her slouch and smiled giving her a little nudge back, "you'll have to lead the way though, you know I'm kinda losing blood I can't remember which way we came from". "Yeah right?" She laughed and took the lead. Tanjiro glanced to the woman at his side that only he could see, "come on Angel, we'd better keep up". She reached a hand out to his wound but he edged away, "don't it's only small and it doesn't hurt". "Okay..." she nodded and followed by his side.

Bodoku was sat in a tree overlooking the remains of his home Gonaga. He breathed deeply and closed his eyes trying to picture his fathers blade in his mind, but all he could think of was Zayla who he had been away from for two years. He opened his eyes with a sigh then flinched noticing Choji suddenly beside him, "ah... Choji. I really wish you wouldn't do that..." "You were thinking about Zayla again weren't you?" Bodoku looked at the house Zayla used to live in, it now had piles of skeletons outside, "it's hard not to... I haven't seen her for two years and now... Rex drags me back through my past". Choji looked at all the bones on the battleground, "I left someone I liked too", he said, gaining Bodoku's attention, "you did?" "Yes, it's true in our little circle of friends I realised that I actually adore Tonton". Bodoku raised a brow, "adore? How very sentimental of you Choji". "Yep I think about her almost every minute of every day but, you wanna know my secret to getting her out of my mind for a little while at least". "I'm listening..." Bodoku nodded. "I picture her in my mind..." "Makes sense-" "naked". Bodoku opened his mouth to speak but Choji continued, "and trust me, she looks..." he held his hands out as if he was holding breasts. "Ugh", Bodoku adopted a disgusted expression. "Choji I really don't wanna know..." "It's okay, you can picture her too if you want, sometimes I see Zayla". Bodoku frowned at him, "look what you do in your spare time you should keep to yourself..." "With Tonton's naked image though I go behind a tree and-" "God! Stop telling me!" Bodoku hurriedly began to make his way down the tree. Choji glanced down, "damn... now her image is in my head". "Stop talking!" Bodoku stormed over to Skarra, "Bodoku". "Skarra, where's Yuki, I think I know which direction to head to next". "She decided to go to Zayla's place and get a sense of where she came from". "I'm just gonna go behind this tree guys! Don't follow me!" Choji yelled. "Shut up!" Bodoku gritted his teeth and sighed. "Is something wrong?" Skarra asked. "Uh no, I just learned something I really wish I could forget..." "You get Yuki, I will get Choji-" "No! Uh no... you get Yuki I don't want to have to go in the village... it uh... it feels wrong..." Skarra blinked at him, "I see", she hopped over the fence. Bodoku slapped his forehead, and glanced at the tree he had seen Choji go behind, "oh boy..." He moaned slowly approaching it, "Choji..." He called but got no reply, "Choji I really don't want to come in there..." He heard sniffling, "Choji?" Still no reply so he moved further in to see Choji sat behind the tree crying, "what are you doing?" "I tried to tell you", he whimpered. "You picture Tonton naked then cry?" "Of course, what did you think I was gonna say?" Bodoku was confused, he chuckled and shook his head, "come on, we have to go. We're getting closer", he held a hand out and pulled Choji to his feet. "I-I just miss her ya know...?" "Yeah, I get that buddy", as he moved Choji away from the tree, a white dagger thwacked into it. Bodoku moved Choji around to the other side then drew his silver blade, "did you see where it came from!?" Choji asked. "No... damn assassins..." "It looks like Rex is doing whatever it takes to slow us down. You'd think his afraid of you or something", Choji laughed. "Choji, focus up". "Alright... I'll take care of this". "Wait!" Bodoku reached for him as he walked out from behind the tree. "How good is that aim of yours!?" Choji yelled goading the enemy assassin into attacking. A white dagger span through the air, it scratched his cheek as he moved his head slightly to avoid it, "not bad", he said to himself. "Get back here!" Bodoku called. Choji glanced at him and smiled showing the cut under his black colored eye, "stay in cover", he said. A second dagger hit him in the chest, or at least it seemed to do so but black goo had caught it and began to dissolve the weapon. Bodoku shielded his face as Choji exploded the black towards the assassin, it carried him along until he reached a woman, trapping her in his power, "I'm guessing Rex sent you", he said to her. She was trembling at the sight of him, both his eyes were now black, "it's okay... you don't have to say anything, I can already see it from the look in your eyes, now... sing for me..." He adopted a devious, dark grin as the goo began to melt the skin from her body until there was nothing but a pile of mush, "Choji..." Bodoku said from behind him. He looked round at him and licked his lips making Bodoku tense, "Choji, that was too far", he scolded him. Choji tilted his head and took a step towards him, "what's the matter Bodoku, you look scared". Bodoku raised his silver blade, then placed it in his sheathe, "I don't need to be, do I?" He raised his brows. Choji blinked and held his left eye. The goo retreated back as he took a few breaths. Bodoku relaxed as Choji looked up with only one black eye, "sorry, I got a little carried away". "I told you, only use your powers when it's absolutely necessary, we could have taken her without your..." They both glanced down at the assassin's sticky remains, "lethality..." Choji looked away, "two years... and I still lose control", he growled. Bodoku placed a hand on his shoulder, "but you come back, that's important". "What if I come back too late next time, what if I melt one of you before I come back, what then?" "That won't happen, because if I know you won't come back, I'll kill you myself". Choji looked into his eyes, "you really mean that don't you?" "I do, and this time you won't come back". Choji sighed, "man you're scary sometimes you know?" "Me?" Bodoku smiled, "come on, let's get back to the girls". "Just don't tell them that I cried over Tonton..." "Aw why not? Some women like a sensitive man". "Exactly! Then I'll have too many". "That's... not what I meant..."

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