Devari's Clone Dethroned! Friends Torn Apart...

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Devari neared Zayla who was frozen in shock. "" Her head snapped up as she saw Bodoku pulling his blade out of his own body, somehow still able to stand, although she could tell he was in great pain, his body was trembling, "g-get away f-from... her..." Devari faced him and began to slowly walk towards him, "Bodoku. You really don't know when to quit do you". Zayla jumped to her feet as Devari dodged Bodoku's swing and grabbed him by the throat, "well don't worry, I'll help you retire early". Devari jolted with a frown and looked down at his side where he'd been stabbed, he looked up to see Boe Ren who pushed him make forcing him to release Bodoku, "keep your hands off of my boy!" Bodoku dropped to the ground massaging his neck and coughing, he glanced up. Boe Ren tried to push Devari back further but he froze on the spot as Devari's hand formed an ice sword and stabbed straight through his chest, "DAAAD!" Bodoku cried reaching out a hand. "NO!" Zayla screamed with pure fury, the sea exploded behind her, a wave of the Balnon sea rose up behind her, she stared at Devari with a furious calm as he turned to face her after pushing Boe Ren into Bodoku. "Zayla, all of this could've been avoided, if you had just come with me". She glanced at Bodoku who seemed to be fading as he held his father in his arms, "you don't get it Devari, I don't care if you're a clone or what, you will never get me, and it won't be because of Bodoku or any of my friends, it'll be simply because I am too powerful for you!" The water blasted over the area, the ice swords melted letting the water seep into any open wounds and healing them. Boe Ren sat up picking up his sword and Bodoku's blade as he stood up, "let me borrow this son, now it's my turn". Bodoku stood, and the others watched as Boe Ren approached Devari's clone. Devari squeezed the water out of his top, "Two against one?" "No, just me", Boe Ren looked at Zayla who glanced at Bodoku watching him nod so she backed off. "You must be joking. You old man? Your son already took your title what do you have to offer". "You a quick death", Boe Ren said through gritted teeth, he took a stance different to any that Bodoku had posed, Devari used ice to try and strike him down, he flipped through the air and smashed the ice bringing down his sword to slash off Devari's arm. Devari stumbled back raising his other arm to blast searing ice towards Bodoku. Bodoku tensed as Boe Ren was suddenly in front of him slicing the ice in half before he swooped in close to take the other arm, "h-how...?" "You are predictable", Boe Ren uttered before cutting of his head. He whipped his sword, the blood splattered on the sand, he put away his weapon then faced Zayla, "I'm sorry you had to see that", he mentioned. She slightly turned away as he approached and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Nah, you should've seen what she did to the real Devari", Tanjiro explained, "actually it was almost the same as what you did, except she roasted his body afterwards", he chuckled then flinched as Tidus elbowed him in the side, "hey... what?" Skarra came out of the wood helping Ryku along, "did we miss something?" She asked then glanced down at the severed head, "um... we did miss something..." The others glanced at her in awe, she tensed feeling nervous. "Uh Skarra... you don't have your mask..." Tanjiro mentioned as Angel tugged at her arm. "I decided-" She looked at her brother and smiled, "I didn't need it anymore". "Well you look... beautiful", Tidus said, "are you currently uh... seeing anyone or- OW!" He gasped as Tanjiro moved the earth beneath him knocking him onto his bottom, "yeah... I deserved that..." he muttered after also seeing Ryku's glare. "Are you okay?" Seth asked Ryku. "Yes... just a bit of iron deficiency. I will be fine soon". "That's good to hear..." Seth felt a thump in his chest and blinked holding his head. Skarra watched as he wobbled slightly, "are you okay?" She asked. "I- uh..." He looked around, Haku and Yuki were nowhere to be seen, "oh damn-" he collapsed, making the others rush over. "What's wrong with him?" Zayla asked. Tonton leant down to check his pulse, "it's fading... like before". "He needs the dragon", Obi cut in. They glanced at him, "hang on a second... when did you get here?" Tidus questioned. "More to the point, why are you here?" Ryku asked skeptical. "Take it easy", Bodoku cut in, "his with us for now". "For now?" Tonton scoffed, "as in he'll turn on us eventually? Well that's nice to know!" "Bodoku, he needs to leave..." Skarra added. Bodoku straightened, "I brought him here to give him a chance, can't you see what Rex has done to him?" "Far from the pain and suffering him and his wench caused at City Orbita", Choji intervened. "That's not fair, it wasn't him", Boe Ren mentioned. "N-no I didn't do any of that... fire isn't my power..." "And what is your power? I think we have a right to know?" Tanjiro questioned. Obi's heart raced he looked at them all in turn, then vanished. Bodoku sighed, "that's great, I give him the one chance he needs to have proper friends and you all spit on it", he lifted Seth up into his arms. Zayla touched his shoulder, "we're just scared Bodoku..." "You didn't even bother to speak up for him Zayla..." "Bodoku-" Zayla started but he turned away from her. "I'm going to find Yuki and Haku, before we-" They heard a cry not to far away and the sound of snapping in the distance, unsubtly getting closer... "Leg it!" Tidus yelled, they rushed towards the sea as Haku was coming in for a crash landing. "Bodoku!" Boe Ren speared Bodoku aside, they rolled across the sand, Seth span out of Bodoku's hands and into the water. Tidus, Ryku, Skarra and Tonton gasped as they were sucked under ground. Tanjiro glanced back, "Choji! Under the sand!" "I can't move the earth like you!" He called back. Tanjiro looked to Angel who nodded, Tanjiro and Choji sunk under the sand as Haku scrapped across the ground over their heads, Angel vanished. Zayla screamed realizing she wouldn't get out of the way in time, Boe Ren and Bodoku glanced up. "Bodoku!-" Zayla reached out a hand as Haku smashed down kicking up sand all around them. "Zayla!" Bodoku jumped up, and rushed towards the scene while Boe Ren went for Seth in the water. Bodoku attempted to lift Haku's leg, "come on... get up!" "Bodoku", he heard Zayla from behind him and turned to see Obi and Zayla. He threw his arms around Zayla, "I thought I lost you..." he muttered then kissed her forehead. They both looked at Obi, "thank you". "Yeah... thanks Obi. I'm sorry... I misjudged you..." He blushed, "I got Yuki as well, she looked like she was going to land badly so I caught her". They watched Yuki help Boe Ren pull Seth from the sea, "his alright", she said checking on him. She looked up, "where are the others?" Tanjiro, Tidus, Choji, Ryku Tonton and Skarra burst from the ground beneath Bodoku and Zayla making them jump apart and help everyone up. "Don't... blurgh" Tonton spat sand, "don't do that without telling me Jiro..." she fumed. He glanced at her, "sorry for saving your life it won't happen again", he growled. "Oh you've gotten a smart mouth on you since we last spoke haven't you ya rude little-" "Alright that's enough!" Bodoku cut between them gently pushing them away from each other, "what's gotten in to you?" "Us?" Tonton spat making him flinch back, "you're the one who invited a bloody crazed murderer into our family!" "Hey now hold on, he saved my life", Zayla cut in angrily. "Oh and suddenly his our best friend, is that it? His playing you for fools! The bloody three of you!" Bodoku straightened as Tonton began walking away, "wait, where are you going?" Zayla asked. She threw her hands up in frustration, "back to salvage whatever I bloody can from my blown up house!" Choji looked at Tanjiro, then Bodoku and Zayla, he shook his head and followed. Tanjiro glanced at Bodoku, "is Obi really sticking with us?" Bodoku gave a slight nod making the young man sigh, "well... I don't know how I feel about that... after all his brother did kill my sister". "But it had nothing to do with Obi", Bodoku stated. "I know, I just can't help seeing Rex's smug smile in his face, I'm sorry guys. Good luck..." "Wait... Jiro", Zayla muttered. He gave her a hug, "me and Angel will be sniffing out the rest of those clones so they don't have enough time to make more or power up like that last one, but we'll just be a call away okay?" Zayla wiped her eyes then nodded. "Stay safe", Tanjiro said to the rest of them then Angel touched his arm, they both vanished. "What about you?" Bodoku asked Tidus. Tidus raised a brow, "me? I'm always with you. I may not trust what you say about Obi but he did save Zayla and he seems alright I guess. That doesn't mean I won't be keeping an eye on him", he added making Obi look at his awkward stare. Ryku and Skarra watched Bodoku's expression as he nodded and walked to pick up his blade, Obi followed "sister. I am unsure we should remain here while Obi lurks". "Do you really want that on your conscience if something were to happen to Bodoku and you weren't there to help?" Ryku glanced at the ground, "but... what if we stay and something happens to you... I could never forgive myself". "I have been by Bodoku's side for two years. I trust his judgement, if he says Obi deserves a chance then I will go along with it, while watching out for him, Zayla and his father". Ryku gave her a smile, "you are wiser than me Skarra, I trust you, I will stay as well". She smiled with a small nod. Bodoku snatched up his blade and put it in his sheathe then approached Yuki, Boe Ren and the unconscious Seth, "how is he?" "Improving", Yuki replied. "Yuki, what happened? Why were you far enough away that they collapsed again?" "Haku saw Rex". "What?" Obi tensed wide eyed from beside Bodoku. "Where?" Bodoku questioned. "Not far from here actually, it's like he was observing you". "Do you think he had something to do with that Devari clone somehow finding Zayla?" Boe Ren interjected. Bodoku nodded, "I'm betting on it". "But i-if he was here... then he knows I'm with you... why hasn't he done anything?" Seth slowly sat up, "uhh perhaps the numbers?" He muttered. Yuki and Boe Ren helped him to his feet, "hey, how are you feeling?" Seth sighed and blinked slightly dazed, "like I fell from the sky". They looked at each other with a frown, "what?" "Nothing, Haku is doing fine so you should be back to your normal self in no time", Yuki mentioned. "This doesn't make any sense", Obi said out loud, "Rex is to powerful to worry about the number of people there are against him. He could've attacked at any time during Devari's encounter especially seeing as everyone was down before Zayla healed everyone". "He wants me alive", Boe Ren said, "he wants to see me suffer and to do that he'll have to take us both", he explained looking at Bodoku, "so when he saw us both almost dead, he couldn't intervene otherwise we'd die and he'd get no satisfaction from torturing us, am I right?" Obi nodded placing a hand to his chin, "I guess that could be it". "Do you have another theory?" Seth asked him. Obi sighed, "maybe... he was watching to see all of your powers at their fullest so he knows what his up against and how to counter you, and he could've been watching to see how Boe Ren reacted to everyone getting hurt, to see who you would risk your life for in order to find out who else you cared about?" Bodoku glanced back at Zayla who was sitting with Skarra, Ryku and Tidus, "Zayla", he said. Boe Ren nodded, "yes... her father was my best friend and I trained Bodoku to protect her when I couldn't because... I promised Kaizen nothing bad would ever happen to her", he saddened gaining Bodoku's attention, "look what she's been through... what you've been through", Bodoku's eyes darted away as he glanced at him with sorrow, "I'm sorry Bodoku..." Bodoku cleared his throat noticing Seth and Yuki's expectant expressions, "don't worry about it", he replied making the two sigh. "That's it?" Obi cut in, "that's all you have to say, your dad just poured his heart out to you, he loves you and that's all you have to say?" Bodoku gritted his teeth, "hey... why are you on his side?" He muttered. "I can't deny what his done in the past but everyone makes mistakes... at least try and make a relationship now... before it's too late..." He said sadly then walked towards Haku. Bodoku turned around to see Seth and Yuki walking over to Zayla and the others, "well... this is awkward", his father said. Bodoku breathed out, "I don't know what you're expecting from me Boe Ren". "Maybe calling me dad for a start?" "You haven't been one for years..." "I know but-" He put his hand on Bodoku's shoulder, "I would like to try again. If that's alright with you?" Bodoku glanced at his hand feeling his eyes tear up, he blinked the tears away and sniffed, with a slight shrug, "I guess it's better late than never". Boe Ren smiled then became serious, "there is... something I need to tell you first. You're not going to like it..."

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