Bodoku's Missing!? Gonaga's Best Swordsman...

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Zayla jumped awake, "ahhhhh!" She screamed making Tanjiro fall backwards on his chair and scramble to the side of her bed, "What!? Are you okay!?" She glanced down at him, "Jiro? What are you doing on the floor...?" Tanjiro sighed with relief, "gee I dunno you just screamed and scared the crap outta me..." Angel watched from the corner of the room. Tanjiro sat by Zayla's feet as she said, "wait, I'm in my room? When did we get back here?" "What's the last thing you remember?" He asked as Tidus and Ryku walked in, "Zayla. It is good to see you are well". "Yeah how you feeling?" Zayla frowned at them, "hang on... did I die!?" "Uh yep. You was staring at a crystal outside and you said you saw Bodoku and water or something then... you just died..." Zayla looked down at her hands, "I remember now... I saw Bodoku being tortured", Tidus uncrossed his arms becoming serious, "where?" "I'm not sure but Rex was there... then there was crashing waves I think then something hit me... and I died I guess..." "What does this mean...?" Ryku wondered, "I believe you are possibly developing another power". "Visions of the future? Come on that seems a little farfetched even with all the powers we have, that's just ridiculous..." "How else would you explain it?" Ryku asked. She huffed, "I don't know! Maybe... the crystals? I was born with the energy from the earth and the dragons basically". "These crystals aren't magical, they are more decoration than anything", Ryku replied. Tanjiro glanced at Angel as she said, "Zayla is right... the crystals... and her blood are..." She interlocked her fingers not quite able to say the words she was thinking. "Connected?" Tanjiro finished, Angel nodded. The others looked at him then followed his gaze to the corner of the room. "Jiro?" Tidus called. Tanjiro turned to look at him, "oh I was just thinking, I agree with Zayla. Maybe because she was born with undiluted dragons blood and an element from the earth, the crystals connected with her. They could've been very active in the past when the dragons thrived", he shrugged. Ryku frowned, "that all sounds so technical, how did you come to this conclusion?" He tensed, "Pshh! I can be smart sometimes too ya know", he replied acting offended. Tidus looked over to the corner again the shook his head, "so I guess we're going with that then, the crystals gave you a vision of the future, which means Bodoku is in danger". "Remember what he told us about Rex and their fathers?" Zayla said, "Rex has always been after Bodoku, he just didn't realize it..." "Bodoku knew..." Tanjiro said through gritted teeth. The others looked at him and he shook off his resentment and gave a small smile, "sorry, I didn't mean to sound like I blame Bodoku, because I don't". Zayla touched his shoulder, "you shouldn't bottle up your feelings Jiro..." "I know, I'm not". Tidus sighed, "there is something you want to tell us though, isn't there?" Tanjiro gulped, "uh no! What's makes you say that?" "Your reaction for one..." Ryku stated. Tanjiro looked to the corner of the room where Angel was standing, she shook her head, "okay..." he took a breath, "so since I died and came back there's been this presence around me..." "What kind of presence?" Ryku questioned. Tanjiro bit his lip, "uh... a woman. I called her Angel because when I first met her she couldn't speak, but I've been teaching her these past two years-" "Hold on", Tidus cut in, "you can see a woman? What is she a spirit?" "I don't know what she is, all I know is when I woke up, she pointed to where Yena had died and we found her body. That has to mean she's real right?" Ryku tilted his head and picked up the chair to sit before him, "you were siblings, perhaps the bond you shared led you to her-" Tanjiro shook his head, "see I knew they wouldn't believe me", he looked to Angel. They followed his gaze, "Jiro... you're scaring me..." Zayla mentioned. He noticed their concerned expressions and stood up, "you don't have to believe me... she is there she's just invisible to you because she only trusts me". "A little convenient", Tidus said, then immediately regretted it, "wait, Jiro I didn't mean-" Tanjiro stormed out, Angel gave an empty glare at Tidus before following. Zayla raised a brow at Tidus, "well... go after him". Tidus gave a nod and left chasing after Tanjiro. "Are you alright?" Ryku asked. "Yeah, I mean I've died before right?" "That is not why I was asked". She looked at him, "I'm worried about Bodoku... I think it's time we caught up to them". Ryku seemed thoughtful then replied, "so do I".

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