Close To Death! Who Is Obi?

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Seth sat before Boe Ren and looked at him for a few seconds, "I know you", he said. Boe Ren smiled slightly, "you do Seth, Tonton. It's good to see you again". "Again?" Tonton raised a brow. "Yes, he was that man that came along about a year ago... when I almost drowned, Bowen was it?" "Actually it's Boe Ren, I admit I gave you a false name to protect my identity". "Oh yeah! I remember him now!" Tonton elbowed Seth's shoulder making him glare and wince, "sorry.." she smiled sheepishly, "so I hear we have you to thank for bringing Haku back here". "Well not entirely..." "I'm not thanking that scummy brat who tricked Bodoku", she growled, "anyway", she changed her mood, "now that we have you here, why'd you skip out before?" Boe Ren sipped his water before continuing, "I heard you talking about Bodoku, I thought that he'd been killed when Gonaga was destroyed... but you gave me hope and I've been searching for him ever since, my son". "You're his father!? But he told us you died..." "And he had every right to think that I had, I keep telling myself that I did what I did to protect him but... I'm beginning to think it's just an excuse..." "You faked your death to draw Rex away, after you killed his father", Seth surmised. "Yes. And when I finally lost his tail I returned... little Zayla was gone... my old friend Kaizen and..." He took a breath, "but that's all in the past now. I had hoped to regain some sort of relationship with him but-" They paused as Yuki walked in, she looked at them as they stared and gritted her teeth, "Haku feels ready to fly, I'll take Seth and Choji". "No", Boe Ren stood up, "I'm going". Yuki glared at him, "Haku can't carry heavy people", she snapped. "Are you calling me fat?" "If the belt fits, which it clearly doesn't". Boe Ren smiled slightly, "your insults are as bad as your dress sense child-" "Don't call me a child you fat old man!" "Old!? I'm in my forties you cheeky brat!" "Alright children settle down", Tonton tried to get between them but they shoved her aside making her crashed back into the table, "why the nerve..." Seth stood up to help her sit down, "Tonton are you alright?" She nodded. He faced Boe Ren and Yuki, "why don't we calm down and settle this like grown ups", he mentioned. "His right, like adults", Yuki drew her daggers making Boe Ren draw his sword. "Um no... that's not what I meant..." "It's your fault my son was taken". "When are you going to get over that! I didn't mean for it to happen I was just-!" "Just thinking about yourself and your friends, while my son was trying tell you that Obi could not be trusted!" Seth clenched his hands into fists as they struck each others weapons. Tonton shook her head, "great... they're gonna kill each other..." Her eyes widened as Seth's right hand lit up, "uh... Seth!" "THAT'S ENOUGH!" He thrust his hand forward firing the light beam between them. They quickly jumped away from each other barely avoiding the accidental attack then stared out the hole in the door, Choji peered in through the hole revealing a smoking hole in his trousers, "problem...?" He muttered a little shaken up. "Great... another hole in my house... thanks you two", Tonton moaned, "you alright out there sweet?" she called to Choji. He gave a thumbs up then walked in to stand against the wall patting his leg making sure there were no flames. Boe Ren and Yuki stood up to look at Seth. "I-I didn't know you could do that..." the latter said. Seth glanced down at his hand but was too angry with them to acknowledge the fact he'd almost blown Choji's leg off, "you two need to quit this pointless bickering! Yuki like it or not Boe Ren is Bodoku's father, he hasn't known he was even alive until a year ago so give him a break and let him go with you to find him!" Yuki put away her weapon and held her arm in shame, "you're right... I'm appalled by my behavior". "And you!" He pointed up at Boe Ren. "Easy..." Boe Ren's eyes widened watching as Seth's hand began to flicker. Seth put his hand down, "stop blaming Yuki! She made a split second decision, sure she made a mistake but she's trying her hardest to help, she just has difficulty showing her feelings is all. She's just as concerned as you and I'm sure she feels terrible, what you're saying isn't helping!" Boe Ren looked at Yuki as she crossed her arms and quickly looked away. He smiled slightly and stood before her, "I am sorry Yuki, it wasn't fair of me to blame you like that, we were all there, I was just so happy to see my son after so long that I got caught up in my frustration of him being out of my sight again..." She looked at him, "no... you were right, I am to blame. I was pushing so hard to get back here because Haku is my best friend and Seth is- well he is also my friend", she finished. Boe Ren held out a hand, "let's find Bodoku together". She uncrossed her arms and shook his hand, "right". Tonton looked at Seth, "look at you, mister mediator". Seth glanced at Choji, "sorry about that..." he gestured to his leg. Choji looked at him, "ah it's fine, I didn't know you had it in ya. a few inches more to the left and I wouldn't be standing", he laughed nervously. "An unfortunate side effect of Haku being inside me for so long". "Dude", Choji shook his head, "we've gotta find a better way to phrase that..." "I agree..." Boe Ren said. Yuki giggled then cleared her throat as Seth glanced at her, "alright then, let's go".

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