So Why Do I, Still Wake Up Two In the Morning, Cold Sweat, Screaming Your Name?

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TW: Implied SH and Sui**de Attempt

Wednesday opens her eyes, fluttering her eyelids to gain focus in her vision, sunlight shone from the window, and the chirping of birds could be heard. Her head was absolutely killing her, the rough feeling of the fabric of the mattress was so familiar. She shifted into a sitting position, still half-awake trying to take in her surroundings.

Her guitar collection was still intact and a pin board that had several papers on there, what caught Wednesday's eyes was a polaroid picture from 4 years ago in her highschool years.

"Oh I'm back in the apartment." Wednesday observed moaning in pain from her hangover, she needed ibuprofen and water. Wednesday slid to the edge of her bed and got up on wobbly legs, this was going to be harder than she had anticipated.

Wednesday opened the door to her room and spotted 4 people sitting in the kitchen chatting away. The sounds of sizzling and the smell of oil make Wednesday scrunch up her face in disgust. She headed to the fridge and grabbed greek yogurt she bought a few days prior, grabbing a spoon from the drawer.

Tyler flipped a few pancakes, and placed them in a stack on a plate next to the stove. He placed the bowl holding the batter into the sink followed by the pan and spatula he used. He strutted past Wednesday who gave him her usual glare, Tyler deflated as he went to grab the pancakes and place them on the counter where everyone else was and sit in his designated seat.

Everyone was silently watching Wednesday eat her yogurt, Wednesday on the other hand was getting uncomfortable with the stares she's getting. She placed down her yogurt and opened the medicine cabinet.

"Barclay, did you buy any Ibuprofen? I need it for this head shattering hangover I'm currently suffering from." Wednesday asked as she looked through the cabinet for the pills. She looked over Enid who was trying to figure out the schedule and organize stuff. To be honest, she wasn't that reliable being a manager for their small band but she gets work done fast.

"It's right at the back of the medicine cabinet, also have you fed Thing yet?" Bianca questioned as she looked up from her phone. Wednesday pauses and forgets her task of finding Ibuprofen and silently walks to the cat food bag stored in the bottom cabinets.

The bag rustles as Wednesday tries scooping out the right amount of kibble, tiny taps on the wooden floor could be heard. A light brown striped Maine Coon scrambles to where Wednesday was and rubs his head and entire body to scent his owner. Thing mews in hunger, she takes the scooped up food to his bowl as a purr rumbles from the light brown cat. Wednesday sighs in relief, she had almost forgotten to feed her cat, again .

Bianca and the others watch this display as Bianca sighs and rubs the bridge of her nose, Wednesday definitely needs someone looking out for her. It was tiring to just remind Wednesday basic chores like doing her laundry, feeding her cat, or washing the dishes.

The clinking sounds of Thing's cat food hitting the metal bowl kept everyone's attention to the big fluffy cat. Wednesday didn't want to admit it but Thing was her lifeline; he was the reason she was still here, and she's entirely grateful for it. If it wasn't for the Maine Coon Wednesday would be in a grave instead of currently feeding him.

She kneels down and pets Thing's head and strokes his long fluffy fur, he let out even more purrs as he kept eating. Enid watches 'Raven' stroke their cat with such a loving manner, something about them seems so familiar but she couldn't put her finger on it.

Just call my name, I'm yours to tame (Wenclair) DISCONTINUED REWRITE IN PROGRESSWhere stories live. Discover now