"Is she okay?"

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An hour later, we manage to get Alex back to the tower. I carry her gently, trying to minimise any further pain or discomfort. As we enter the tower, we're met by Dr. Strange, who was a doctor before he became a superhero. He immediately takes charge, assessing Alex's condition and ruling out any life-threatening injuries.

Despite his reassuring words, it's clear that Alex has suffered severe injuries. As we rush her to the med bay, the gravity of the situation sets in. We're all filled with a sense of dread and helplessness as we watch her writhing in pain.

Once we reach the med bay, a team of medical professionals rushes in to take over. They work with precision and speed, doing everything they can to stabilize her. Dr. Strange oversees the process, his calm and steady demeanor providing a sense of comfort in the midst of chaos.

After a thorough examination, the medical team determines that Alex has multiple broken bones and numerous other injuries that require immediate surgery. Without a moment to waste, they rush her into the operating room, their urgency a stark reminder of the seriousness of her condition.

We all gather outside the operating room, waiting anxiously for any news. Time seems to stand still as we wait, each passing moment feeling like an eternity. It's a tense and emotional moment for all of us, as we grapple with the enormity of what's happened and the uncertainty of what's to come.

Strange's pov

As I stand over Alex's lifeless body, my heart races with fear and frustration. Despite my best efforts to revive her, she continues to flatline. Every second that passes feels like an eternity, and I know that time is running out.

The weight of the situation bears down on me heavily. I am left grappling with the unbearable reality that if I fail to save her, I will not only lose a patient, but my own life as well. The people outside have made it clear that they will not tolerate any mistakes, and I cannot bear to think about the consequences of my failure.

Third person

Dr. Stephen Strange feels his heart racing as he stares down at Alex's lifeless body. She has suffered some of the worst injuries he has ever seen, and her condition is deteriorating rapidly. He knows that time is running out and he has to act fast.

He quickly assesses her injuries and realises that she is about to bleed out. He immediately springs into action, doing his best to try and stabilise her. But every time he makes progress, her monitor beeps and she would flatline again.

He feels a sense of desperation wash over him as he works frantically to save her. He knows that if he didn't act quickly, she will die. He tries everything he can think of, but nothing seems to be working.

As he works, he can't help but think about the consequences of his failure. Alex is a bright young woman with so much potential, and he can't bear the thought of her life being cut short.

Despite the odds, Strange refuses to give up. He continues to work tirelessly, determined to save Alex's life. And finally, after what seems like an eternity, he sees a glimmer of hope. Her heart rate begins to stabilise, and the flatline on the monitor turns into a steady beep.

Strange breathes a sigh of relief as he watches Alex's vital signs return to normal. He has managed to save her life, but he knows that there was still a long road to recovery ahead. He promises himself that he will do everything in his power to ensure that Alex makes a full recovery, no matter what it takes.

As he looks down at her, he can't help but feel a sense of pride. He has faced some of the toughest challenges of his career, but he has managed to emerge victorious. And for that, he is grateful.

After ten gruelling hours of surgery, Dr. Strange finally finishes operating on Alex's severely injured body. He leaves one of his trusted colleagues to carefully sew her up and ensure that she was comfortable and stable as she began her path to recovery. As he scrubbed out, Strange could feel the exhaustion weighing heavily on his body and mind.

As he made his way over to the group of anxious Avengers, he notices Natasha pacing back and forth, her face etched with worry. He knows that she has grown close to Alex.

When Natasha sees Strange approaching, she stops her pacing and locks eyes with him.

"Is she okay?" she asks, her voice trembling slightly.

Strange takes a deep breath and musters up a small smile. "She's alright," he replies, his voice calm and reassuring.

Natasha let's out a sigh of relief, her shoulders visibly relaxing.

"Thank goodness," she says, her voice filled with emotion. "She's such a fighter. I knew she could pull through."

Strange nods, feeling a sense of pride in his patient and his team. Despite the odds, they had managed to save Alex's life. It was moments like these that made all of the long hours and hard work worth it.

As the doctors and nurses began to disperse, Strange lingers for a moment longer, watching over Alex's sleeping form. He knows that there was still a long road ahead, but he is confident that she will make a full recovery with time and care.

And as he leaves the tower, he can't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to make a difference in someone's life. It is moments like these that reminds him why he became a doctor in the first place.

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