The Place Where It Happened Like Really Happened

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Kennys POV:

I wake up, it seems to be a nice day today, that's when I realize "FUCK! I'M GOING TO MISS THE BUS!" I quickly get ready and put on my parka, it has been ages since I last missed the bus. I run to the door "Kenny don't you want to have some breakfast before you go to the bus" my mom says, "Not right now mom I'm going to miss the bus" I reply in muffles "Oh. Okay Kenny goo--" I didn't have enough time to hear her say goodbye, so I rushed out the door before I would miss the bus, if I did Cartman would be sure to make fun of me the next day.

Stans POV:

I was just having a conversation with Kyle, that's when he calls out "Hey. here comes Kenny!" "Shut up Jew" Cartman says annoyed "NO YOU SHUT YOUR FAT FUCKING MOUTH FATASS!" Kyle yells "'EY I'M NOT FAT I'M JUST BIG BONED" "Well then You have a huge bone in your ass then" "BOTH OF YOU STOP!" They both just stare at me "Why are you helping the Jew huh? Are you a Jew but you're just hiding it?!" Cartman splats wail holding the collar of my shirt. "NO, HE'S NOT SO LEAVE HIM ALONE!" Kenny muffles loudly you may not understand his muffles (sometimes), but you can tell Kenny was pissed as fuck. " Are you alright Stan?" Kyle questions "Oh yeah heh I'm alright." I look at Kenny and I could just barely see Kennys ocean blue eyes through the hood of his parka. "Stan why are you staring at Kenny?" Kyle just keeps on trying to talk to me, but I can't hear him at least not that much, then Kenny turns to face me. "Stan why are you staring at me and why are you ignoring Kyle?" Kenny asks "Oh uh I was just umm... sorry Kyle I just spaced out" I couldn't stop looking at Kenny, and sometimes if I stare at Kenny to long, I feel like I'm about to puke.

Cartmans POV: 

Stan wouldn't stop staring at Kinny then that's when it hit me "FUCK NO!" I yell "what fatass?" Stan and Khal say at the same time "Stan do you mind if I talk with you alone." "What would your possibly want to talk to me about" "JUST FUCKING COME WITH ME DUMBASS!" "Okay, okay fine" I pull Stan away from Khal and Kinny Stan looked a little pissed at me "Look Stan, I know you like Kinny" I tell him "WHAT NO I DON'T-" "THEN EXPLANE WHY YOU WERE STARING AT HIM THEN!" I cut him off "I... I don't know if I like him or not, I mean sometimes I feel like I'm just going to puke on him which is strange." He looked at the ground and kicked a rock "Stan what if you're Bi." "Wait what's that?" OH, MY FUCKING GOD HE'S A FUCKING IDIOT THAT'S WHAT! "Stan Bi means when you like both genders you fucking dumbass." "What are you saying to Stan fatass, it better not be making him upset." "Chill Jew I was just talking to him alright." "Stan what is he saying to you, tell me so I have a reason to beat the shit out of him."  "I DIDN'T DO SHIT ARE YOU AN IDIO T!"

Stans POV: (wow four POVs and this is chapter 1)

I could not believe Cartman thinks that I like Kenny but he's just a friend... right? I snap out of my thoughts and see Kyle and Cartman are fighting "KYLE! He wasn't doing anything okay so just chill dude" I sigh "Oh okay Stan" Kyle responds in a unhappy tune he really must like beating the shit out of Cartman, that is when we all see the bus just speed right by us as if we were never there I think the wind of the bus nearly had blown Kennys hood off it would be nice to see his cute face I hadn't have seen his face in I'm pretty sure 5 months- wait. WHAT THE FU- "GUYS I HAVE AN IDEA!" Kenny exclaims in a muffled voice and cutting my thinking. "But you need to follow me. AND NO FIGHTING! okay, I'm sick of it." We all follow Kenny, I think we have been walking for like 6 hours I haven't been counting, and then we come to a stop "Guys welcome to my secret spot, sometimes I skip school to come here." His eyes were glowing almost like when the sun hits the ocean. "Wow Kenny this is amazing; we can see the whole town from here." Kyle says amazed "This is soooooooooo lame Kinny." Cartman yawns, he is such an ass hole "Screw you guys I'm going home." Cartman says wail walking away from us "Hey Ky what time is it?" I ask "Uhhh... 1:12 pm" Kyle answers, it takes half the day to get here the fuck- BIRZZZ! "Oh, that was my phone... Oh, fuck it's my mom she wants me to come home because she's worried about me, sorry I couldn't stay any longer guys. Bye." Kyle says sadly walking off "Weellll~ Guess it's just me and you huh Stanly." Kenny says in a muffled voice, with a wink "Uhhhhh...I.. I um... Guess we a... are heh..." I stutter wail my face bursts into a cherry red color. 

2 hours later

Stan's POV:

"Soooooo huungryy" Kenny cries wail taking his hood off "Maybe we can get some hot dog's" Kenny's face lights up instantly as I say those words. "YES, YES, YES, YES, YES, YES, I'D LOVE THAT!" he explains as his face gets really close to mine... Oh fuck don't puke Stan don't ruin the moment. DON'T PUKE DON'T PUKE!!!!!!!

That's the end of this chapter add this story to your library, and you'll get a notification when the next chapter is out have a good day or night ☺

991 words!

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