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Kennys POV:

Just another boring day god I just wish that something interesting would happen to me every day is the same I wake up eat breakfast, some point in the day I die Stan says 'Oh my God they killed Kenny' Kyle says 'you bastard.' Fuck, why can't I just have a normal fucking life like all the other kids at school... I sigh maybe I should skip my last class seeing there is nothing for me to do... "KENNY!!" Someone yells out I turn around and see.. Stan? "Kenny I need to tell you something but not out here in the hallway, there is lots of people here, do you want to go to Stark's Pond? " Stan asks "Okay" I reply in a happy tone. Anything to make today more interesting.

Time Skip

Stan and I swim in Stark's Pond for about 15 minutes and then we hop out of the water "So Stan you said at school you had something to tell me what is it?" I question putting a towel around my waist, Stan stayed quite for a few seconds and then spoke "Kenny.. I um... I just discovered that... I'm Bisexual, and I..." "And you what?" "KENNY MCCORMICK I LIKE YOU!!" my eyes widened at what Stan said, there is an awkward silence surrounding us for a minute "Y... You don't have to feel the same way Kenny" "Stan. I like you too not as a friend way but as like well... a crush for ages, I have liked you and I've waited for this moment all my life" I start to breathe heavily trying to catch my breath, by the time I had caught my breath I speak "Wait. Stan what about Wendy isn't she your girlfriend?" "Wendy can fuck off... 'cause I like you Kenny" a wide smile appears on my face, I run over to Stan, and I kiss him, I FULL ON KISSED STAN! Stan falls into the kiss and kisses back... and then we fall. I start laughing, Stan's face flashes a red, I still can't believe that this is happening to me.


Hey, it's me again so no one was really choosing anything in the last chapter for me to wright so I just wrote the one were Stan brakes up with Wendy but that isn't happening in this chapter, but Stan still confesses his feelings to Kenny, and I can't believe how many views this book has there is at least 128 people who have read this so thank you readers. have a lovely day/night.

word count 426.

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