Chapter 20

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Hyunjin's POV:
Seungmin is weird. I know he was staring at me, there was no point in hiding it really. I mean, I don't have a problem with people staring at me, but the fact that he tried to cover it up is odd.

After the day we went to the warehouse for the first time, I went into town and got myself some things I've been wanting, as well as some things from the house I wanted to bring here.

I decided that if we're really doing this, and I'm really gonna try to get along with everyone, I need to fix up my new space to make myself more comfortable.

When we first 'moved in', Chan made it clear that we could change the rooms to fit our likes and styles. The goal of that is probably to try to get us to like this idea more, and heck it might be working.

Once I got my things, I settled more into my room and started to really accept that we're staying here. My room at our house has my easel, paints, camera, drawing supplies, and sketch books. So moving in here is unsettling because I have nothing of my own. The trip into town to get new materials and supplies made me feel better.

Only today I decided to paint outside because one: it's a nice day. And two: to distract myself from the fact that they went on another heist.

Sure, I don't have that much of a problem with this whole situation anymore, but that doesn't mean that I'm oblivious to the dangers. In Minho's team, we went on heists all the time, but we had a certain way of doing it. I haven't been on a heist with the new team yet, but I've heard from Changbin that they do things differently, which doesn't sit right with me.

I don't want to find something wrong with everything in the new set-up, I really don't. If anything, I think I want to be ok with everything, there's just so many 'icks' in the way.

But, in the spirit of trying to accept things, I kind of listened to Chan and made up a suggestion for the future plans of the group. I want to propose it to him, but I'm gonna have to wait until they come back.

So I guess I'll just paint until it gets dark out here, then move inside to make the wait better.


When the guys come back from the heist, everyone kind of crawls out from wherever they were in the house to greet them. Felix and Jeongin come in first, with Changbin and Seungmin meeting them right away with a hug (and a kiss between Felix and Changbin). Minho and Chan follow them, carrying the most of their load in to take to storage. Before Minho could get far, Jisung runs up and basically throws himself on him with a huge smile, relieved that everything went smoothly and everyone came home fine.

As everyone welcomes the guys back home, I stand back with a weird feeling in my chest. Is it relief? Am I relieved they came back? Obviously I'm glad no one is dead or arrested, but I didn't think I would realize the breath I was holding for them.

While I try to figure out what's going on with me, everyone grabs a bag to take to the storage room. Chan is left empty handed which reminds me of what I wanted to do earlier.

Before he goes anywhere, I walk up to him which catches his attention right away.

"Um.. Chan, can I ask something?" I ask.

He looks visibly surprised that I came up to him, but I guess I can't blame him for that.

"Sure- Yes, of course. What is it, Hyunjin?"

I guess there's no turning back now.

"I've been thinking about a suggestion for the new warehouse plans, and after the first day at the warehouse, you said you wanted to hear our ideas." I said in kind of a question.

Chan smiles when I explain, relaxing a bit when he realizes what I want to say. "I'd be happy to hear it. Let's go to my office, we can talk in there." He offers. I nod and follow him.

Chan leads me into a room I haven't been in, but I've been curious what was down this hallway ever since we moved in.

His office isn't exactly the most put together. There's a nice desk in the middle and a lounge couch pushed against the wall, but there are papers and journals all over the place. The shelves and filing cabinets suggest that everything has a place, they're just not in those places right now.

Chan must have seen me looking at the mess, because he shakes his head and rubs the back of his neck.

"Sorry about the mess, don't mind all this. Ever since me and Minho made the agreement and started working together, I've had to pull out pretty much every document I have for him to see. The funny thing is, this will probably stay a mess until we carry the plans all the way through."

That won't be for a few years.

Chan sits in the seat behind the desk and pushes some of the papers and folders out of the way. When the area in front of the second seat is clear, he motions for me to take a seat.

"So what part of the operation is your idea about? It's not something that would change a lot is it?"

"No, no. It would be an add on to what you guys already have."

Chan nods and leans back in his seat. "Then what is it?"

"Since the first day we went to the warehouse, and I went with Seungmin to place flags out, I've been thinking about the other beings living in the allies." I start off.

Chan looks confused. "Other beings?"

"Yeah. First I was surprised by the conditions the people live in, but then I was surprised when a few cats... tiny kittens came out to us. I don't know if it's normal for us to feel this way, but I wanted to do something to help them." I finished.

Chan goes from looking at me to looking off to the side in thought. I can't read his expression, but I'm guessing it's good when he sits up a bit.

"I understand completely, Hyunjin. We've all felt that way at least a little while in the allies, but I'm glad you decided to do something about it. What is your plan exactly?"

"I haven't really put too much thought into it yet, but I think it would be in the same building as the main one, in a corner or even in a room I might not have noticed. We could have a place for the animals to have shelter, food, and just warmth whenever they need it." I say, missing Chan's eyes a few times.

He nods and visibly plays around with the thought in his mind.

"I like your idea, it could be a great addition to the plans. But of course, and I assume you know, there are some holes. If we can get those sorted out, maybe we'll consider it for the final plan." I smile and sit up straighter at this.

Chan stands and I follow suit. He comes around the desk to meet my hand in a firm, but not too serious hand shake.

"Work on it. I'm not asking you to make a whole presentation or anything, but the idea needs to be well thought out before we consider it, and soon." He advises.

I nod and mumble a 'thank you'. I didn't mean to say that, where did that come from?

As I start to walk out of the office, Chan follows me until he reaches his door. "I have to work on somethings for the next heist, which I think I want you on. Is that ok?" He calls out.

I turn back and nod. Chan smiles and waves me off a little. "Alright. I'll talk to you later, Jinnie." He says happily before closing his door.


Jinnie? No one's ever called me that.

I ...kind of like it.

I'm so late, but here it is.

Is this character development? oooooo.

Also, I know I'm really late with this, but Happy Pride Month! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
I'm personally not in the community, but I'm an ally for everyone in it! How ever yall want to express yourself, I'll be here to support you! ❤️❤️❤️

Love you guys! 🖤❤️🖤❤️🖤❤️🖤

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