Chapter 25

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Seungmin's POV:
"You guys go eat, I have something to eat here."

"You don't want to eat out with us, hyung?"

"I just don't want to go out tonight, Innie. You go eat with your hyungs, I'll be here when you come back." I say, pushing Jeongin on.

He nods while semi-sadly walking over to where everyone else is debating on what to eat.

After we had a close call on the last heist, everyone decided that we should go out to eat because we deserve it or something. I agree with them, but I just don't feel like going out tonight.

Eventually, they decide where to eat and leave all together. With the house empty and quiet, I can relax on my own for once. Don't get me wrong, I love my team and the new guys are becoming more like family everyday. But having a nice quiet house all to myself is much needed.

With my stay-cation that will last for the next hour or two, I firstly set the living room TV to play the playlist of my favorite music videos, because it's the biggest TV in the house. With the music ringing throughout the house, I go to heat up my leftovers, getting a wave of happiness when the microwave beeps for the final time.

It's a simple thing to enjoy eating leftovers while watching what you want in an empty house, but it still is a great stress-reliever.

I don't know how much time passed, maybe 3 or 4 videos worth, but from somewhere in the house I heard a bump.

An empty house is nice until you hear something from another room.

Processing the situation, I turn the TV off and grab my phone. Obviously, we're criminals so we can't call the police for help, but I can call back up if something happens.

There's another bump, sounding like something was hitting the floor.

Wherever the noise is coming from, it sounds like it's on the first floor. At first I heard it on my left, but the second one was on my right.

Cautiously, I walk out of the living room, to the hallway before the kitchen. Another noise sounds off, louder now that I'm closer. Knowing that the noise is from this direction, I quickly step into the kitchen to grab one of the hidden tools we have around.

Chan has always insisted we needed to keep weapons hidden around the house because we would never know when we need them. I guess he was right this time.

Grabbing a simple throwing knife, I keep it close before heading back to the hallway. Down this hallway is just maybe a closet and the guest room, so how and why is someone in here? There's nothing of importance here.

I slide against the wall right before the turn of the hallway. Now that I'm right here, I can hear all the shuffling coming from the guest room. Whoever is in there is making confident movements, they know what they're doing in there. But what are they doing in there?

In my head, I build up as much courage and bravery as I can for this next move. It's better for me to surprise them on my own account, rather than for them to turn the corner to find me hiding here.

I'm as ready as I'll ever be. Just do it.

Quickly, but quietly, I dart from the wall, standing in the middle of the hallway facing the dead end in front of me. No one is there, but they are in the room. That means they might be looking for something.

Preparing to do it again, I stand against the doorway to the guest room, focusing on the noises to guess what they might want. This time I don't need as much build up before I go, so I just turn to look into the room.

Right as I turn, a body comes out and we bump into each other. Both of us jump from the scare and surprise, drawing out a yell from the other.

I gather myself faster and see who I ran into, ready to fight as soon as I open my eyes. But the instinct to fight goes out of the window as soon as I see Hyunjin doubled over, trying to catch his breath after his scream.

I stand back to let him recover, trying to calm myself down after being scared of what could have been over here.

"You're here? I thought you went to eat with everyone else. You scared the hell out of me." I say, almost yelling out the last sentence.

Hyunjin stands and gives me a weird look.

"Why would I go with them? Why aren't you with them? And why are you bothering me, go back to whatever you were doing earlier." He says as he turns to go back into his room.

He was talking normally earlier, why is he so pissy all of a sudden?

I step into the doorway to see inside his room. Before there was an easel with whatever he was painting last, which is always museum worthy. But now it's pack away somewhere, along with all his paints and supplies that are usually stacked next to the easel.

He also has several suitcases open on his bed. This is alarming because he throws a few more shirts into one of them after turning from me.

I take another step into the room to investigate further, but Hyunjin twists to me and pulls a disguised face.

He takes quick steps towards me, which makes me retract and back out of the doorway. Without a word, he slams the door in my face.

What was that about?

I don't know what his problem is, but he need some time to cool down. That and I don't want to deal with him when I'm trying to have some quality alone time.

Eyeing the door one more time, I turn to go back to the living room to enjoy them by myself.

Ummmm... hi 👋

I'm sorry I haven't been posting. I do have reasons, but in reality, it's not a huge deal. And honestly, I don't have much to say.

I will try to be more consistent with posting, but we all know how that ended up last time I said that 😅

Bear with me guys!

Love you guys! ❤️🖤❤️🖤❤️🖤❤️🖤

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