; pavitr prabhakar ❥ shipped *

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a/n, sorry I've been slower with updating I just have allergies that make me feel dizzy so when I've been trying to write I just been falling asleep 😭
anyways continuing 🥺
this was requested but I can't remember by who 🤷🏻

❥ - fluff
character - pavitr prabhakar
takes place - at pav's school (sorry I've been doing so much of school settings with pav,
I just find it cuter in that sense 😭)
( y/n is gonna be the shy type in this chapter )
enjoy !

at your school, you had many friends, and friend groups.
within those friend groups, there was other friends that would branch out into other friend groups.
it was a pretty large friend group, but still.
it was fun to have so many friends, you used to have no friends in your old school so it was a nice change.

however there was this one guy.
his name was pavitr.
he was in your friend group, and you liked him.
and you made a horrible choice.
you told your friends that you liked him.

big mistake.

once they found that out, they always 'shipped' you with him.
they would say things like.
"you belong together!"
"just go on and kiss!"
"when will you guys start dating?"
although you sort of enjoyed it, you found it more embarrassing than anything else.
because whenever your friends would say that, pavitr would just seem uncomfortable, which would make you uncomfortable, and nobody else seemed to notice.

one time they even created a 'ship' name for you guys, basically just your guys name combined.
and then they continued to tease you two with the nicknames.
so embarrassing.
this is why you shouldn't tell your friends secrets.

during lunch, you were sitting at a crowded table, and lucky for you, pavitr sat next to you, although he didnt exactly intend sitting next to you, it was just one of the open seats that were near most of his friends.
and of course he didn't mind sitting next to you.
but you noticed him almost immediately.
and you avoided even looking in his directions from embarrassment.

your friends were sitting across from you, and they were confused on your sudden shyness, until they noticed the boy beside you, and they instantly snickered amongst each other.

"ooo~ look at themm!~" you hear someone whisper, clearly it was directed at you and pavitr.
you could feel your cheeks heat up a little, and your shoulders tense.

"haha! pavitr and y/n sitting in a tree!
k-i-s-s-i-n-g ! !" they chant, they were acting like children in kindergarten.
you look down at your lap and cover your face with your hands, groaning in embarrassment and mumbling for your friends to stop.
it was so humiliating.
and even though you liked him, it just felt like your friends would push it too far.

meanwhile with pavitr, his eyes widen a little at the statement, and he had a deep hue spread across his face ( his face would be like the picture at the very beginning of this chapter, just add the flush 🤭).

you see, you two shared the same exact problem, but you never even knew it.

you guys both liked each other, and you both told your friends about it, leading for them teasing you guys.
and whenever you guys would look at each other, you'd just look uncomfortable.
which lead to you guys thinking that you two didn't share feelings.

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