Another Fable Gone

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Your in the lobby now you, bigby and snow

Snow White: what the hell was going on down there, you two?

Bigby: we thought you were dead snow.

Snow White: and that makes it alright?

Snow White pressed the elevator button

Snow White: I hope it was worth both of your time.

Bigby: okay, you're have to explain this, cause we're really not getting it yet.

Snow White: after our conversation in y/n's car, I got a call from toad. He said said his son found a body.

Snow White: we thought it was faith at the time...

Bigby: we should have been there.

Snow White: I tired calling the business office, but there was no answer.

Snow White: I couldn't find you both. Or anyone.

Bigby: me and y/n are glad you aren't dead.

Snow White: me too.

Snow White: i just wanna get the bottom of this.

We exit the elevator

Snow White: I just feel like...

Snow White: I feel In way. She looked just like me.

Snow White: and maybe that's why she was killed.

Bigby: if someone wants you dead. Someone will realize you lived

Snow White: and they'll come looking for me

Snow White: we just need to find out who did this.

Snow White: and why she was glamourd to look like me

Snow White: I mean, thats what it is right?

We started to go to the business office

Snow White: do what's our next move?

Bigby: maybe you should lie low for a while.

You agreed with bigby

Bigby: until we figure out what's going on

Snow White: and what?

Snow White: sit around the business office twiddling my thumbs? Waiting for the big bad wolf and the headless horsemen to solve all my problems?

Bigby: that's not what we meant.

Snow White: Then what did you two mean? I told you, im tired of sitting around!

Snow White: I'm not going to be an errand girl for Crane anymore!

Bigby: we just want you to be careful. We almost lost you once-

Snow White: I'm not yours for two lose!

Snow White: I'm sorry...

Snow White: I it's not dangerous, but I'm not helpless.

Snow White: I can take care of myself.

Snow White: I've been doing it for centuries...

Snow White: TJ is waiting inside.

Snow White: he was so freaked out last night, he wouldn't tall us much. Even now, he just stops altogether after a certain point.

Snow White: he's pretty shaken up though, so try not to be too...

Bigby: ourselves.

Snow White: right.

We go into the business office

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