The Puddin' 'n' Pie

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You and bigby leave your car to see Puddin' 'n' Pie with a woman next to it in the alley smoking by the entrance.

???: oh.

???: sheriff and deputy. What a nice surprise. I'm not sure I've seen you here before.

???: you two are always welcome of course.

Bigby: we are friends with Georgie. where is he?

???: friends, huh?

???: you two are in luck, he's here. Come on.

???: I should warn you two that gerogie does like to be bothered when he's working.

???: and he's in kind of a...mood right now.

Bigby: is he alone in there?

???: he's working with one of the dancers. But don't worry about that. Discretion is our guarantee.

You all entered the crooked strip club

You ignore all the posters and walk with bigby and ???

???: welcome to the Pudding 'n' Pie.

???: where we enter to the diverse tastes of the Fable community.

Bigby: did you know lily? She worked here?

???: my lips are sealed. You'd better ask Georgie.

You all see Georgie with a boom box, getting a pole dance from ??? Who is topless. You admire her beauty but quickly brush it off.

Georgie: aw, fucks sake.

Gerogie: what do you think your doing?

Georgie: you look like you're trying to take a shit!

You feel bad for the stripper.

Georgie: who's gonna want that? No one's gonna want that!

Bigby: nice guy ain't he headless? *you agreed* seems like a real prince.

???: you two do have a sense of humor. Thats good.

???: good luck you two.

She leaves back to the entrance outside.

Georgie: its your face! You have to SMILE! you never SMILE!

You and bigby walk up to Georgie.

Georgie: how many times do I have to say it!

Georgie noticed you two.

Georgie: oh its you two.

Georgie: we're closed.

You look at her and she stops dancing.

Georgie: keep dancing, you! I didn't say stop!

She still didn't continue dancing. you look again at her.

Georgie: fucks sake *turns off boombox*

Georgie: you stay right there, don't even think about sitting down.

Bigby: we got a few questions.

Georgie: imagine my excitement.

Georgie: What do you two want then? *looks at you* You here for a taste?

Georgie: *continues talking to you* tell you what, come back after midnight, maybe. I can hook you up.

Georgie: *keeps talking to you* or...knowing you...she's probably not quite your style.

Georgie: you'd perfer someone who can take a bit of a beating.

Bigby: he's not here for that. unless you want him to show you a beating.

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