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Hungering for pleasure, every light in her gaze weeps for one thing,
Keeping a fair smile as people,
Earning a basic life, evolving as a typical child, quarreling with siblings over the tiniest item, owning the fondness from mother.
Every single thing in her craves for a damn life which is inhaled by every single person...

In a world full of joy and light,
A girl sits alone, lost in the night.
While laughter echoes all around,
Her heart feels heavy, weighed down.

She wonders why she can't feel the same,
Why she can't join in the game?
But deep inside she knows it's true,
Her sadness is a part of her too.

So let us not forget the pain,
Of those who feel they can't remain.
And let us spread love and hope,
To help them find the strength to cope.
Or not?

Soul, an exquisite place with lavish habitat and a hectic populace, and one of the most vibrant cities in Asia. It's known for its delicious food, bustling nightlife, and rich cultural heritage. Some of the must-see sights include Gyeongbokgung Palace, Namsan Tower, and the Han River. They say anyone who resides in this  remains evergreen sunny as the sun

In this city, there lives a timid town with not so occupants, The Bukchon Hanok Village. As we go deeper and deeper into this town, there resides a puny house with the sight of an adorable girl probably in her eights, telling her fantasy to her not-so-fine mother, about having a tremendous donut that if she fetches, she gonna let it travel to her vast mouth within a blink of an eye.

"Mama, you know I had a dream, in which I saw a big donut" she state whilst showing the altitude of the donut with her tiny hands.
"oh, is that so? Was my lil doll able to eat it?"

" I'm a supergirl, mama, I very ha-have big tummy," she said with a proud pout.
" Okay my lil doll, if you're out of your bubble, would you please help Mama to make supper?"
Said the lady with pale and dull skin, having black bags under her eyes, and a fatigue and demotivated look on her face that she falsify with a smile to show her only daughter.

"Aye, aye captain."

Her daughter said with a salute.
To this, her mother smiles and assigned her baby doll to pure water for them.

That's how she helps her mother in making food by doing little things, for instance, cleaning the wet plate her mother has washed, helping to dust the house, or any minimum task she can do.
(unlike you all, sitting around with your phone stuck to your faces ) jk🦷

As the woman gets the supper to the wooden plateau and persists to swallow the food with her baby doll, She finds herself uneasy looking at the conditions they are in, a pang of sorrow hits her while looking at the food.  Dry bread and jam, that too was DIY as it was pricey.

But her lil green eye girl was never concerned about it, even if they were poor and were deprived, she
Embrace it with her gummy smile and nonchalantly eats whatever her mother cooks.

That's how their life was an ill woman with a pre-teen girl who reside in a not-so-good condition, they were poor, and little Agnes was not aware of her mother's anxious emotion, she fears the fortune, as she never had one.

her only child's life is the oxygen for her to live in. Her daughter is too innocent to understand this cruel world, too young to understand her mother's life is soon gonna be over.

That her mother has cancer, which is too costly to cure.
And this secret, she will never let her beside it.

A mother's love is like no other,
It's pure and true, like a gentle lover.
She holds you close, and wipes away your tears,
And whispers softly, to calm your fears.

She's always there, through thick and thin,
And loves you more, than life itself within.
Her love is a beacon, that guides you home,
And never fades, even when you roam.

Her love is selfless, and always true,
And gives you strength, to see things through.
A mother's love is a precious gem,
And shines so bright, when times are dim. 
When she fades its always the
Decades with sorrows and pains, that deprive for happiness  gains...

To be continued.....



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