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Send the Omen my wishes,
Who has stolen my loved ones' kisses,
Desiring the only thing, which makes me survive,
But the future is taking my only life.
What should I do?
Should I perish or get vanish in the air with the aching heart I have,
Which isn't safe in the cave.
I tried to hide it but,
My bad, They got access to it and smashed it with the hammer of the funeral con, through which it has muted my tune.
_________ _________ _________ ______

Subsequently having the edibles things, made by her lovely mama, Agnes came to terms with that she will reach outside her situated residence to hunt for people that can communicate with her and give her some company to decrease the level of loneliness.
In her vocabulary, she calls them friends. nonetheless, she has doing this work for the past two years.
And she never finds a single one. But stubborn, still looking for friends with optimism all over her lil mind.

Ironic right?

It's even more amusing when you discover why no one wants to accompany her or wants no conversation with this lil adorable girl.        

The justification stands in her own family. Her only mother.


Elisabetta (elsa)

Her mother. She's known for disastrous tales about her past whereabouts.
They say she slayed her husband merely to gain coffers. A gold digger or 49er, she has been called a handful of names, numerous of jinx. The fantasy doesn't pause hear, they say she migrated to Korea from Greece. For the sake of her life to lie low the deed she did. And had adultery with loads of men, whether black or white, small or big, with no discrimination in cases of age, cast, creed, profile, filthy or saint. Always had welcomed them with wide-open legs. And had Agnes from one of her immorality.

primarily a waking whore.

All these misconceptions erupted, when Elisabetta came to Korea,  baby-wearing with her only husband she had in the polity of Greece, which she left recently due to wild reasons.

When she arrived, she got acquainted with numerous questions, which are essentially asked to the woman who has no husband by her side, and with her future in her stomach.
That's where the inquiry outset,
Our society becomes feral to women, when there is a lone wolf or had done some deed that is forbidden to them, many more prejudices and limitations are given to women.
A woman has to be in the formal clothing given to them, or they are characterized as sluts.
Speak as politely as you can, 'cause that's what women do. graze down when there is the opposite gender.
The men
Women are always addressed as low below men and tend to be submissive towards men.
There are told to behave and respect the men and never say a word to them, if there find it offensive, and use physical force towards them, be mute and accept it as their discipline.
A maid for their husbands or a plaything when consuming pleasure out of them.

Now till date, there are couples with sub-wives and dom husbands
No one ever raises their hands to this,
Always ensuring the agony, suffering, and every price of life that a laborer or maids live. The difference is that they serve their husbands rather than people.
If she doesn't, she is said to be out of hand and is labeled as a carefree lady with no dignity occupied.
Always on the blacklist and are assumed with multiple theories.

   In precisely, that's what women are drawn to in our society.

And in Elisabetta's case, it uprises the same.

That's how she became the talk of the town.

In an awful way...

And that's how this episode cause
Our Lil cut--ahm, a girl with no friends.

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