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................. Elsa's POV.......................

Grazing the vicious man laughing no less than an ill-minded patient who freshly ran from the sanitarium. I was in great agony. Which couldn't be described in any language or words. This brutal bastard man demolished my pleasant life.

  My charm, My lover, My dearest husband was slayed severely by this man. I was no were in the right conscious to protect my man—I failed miserably...
I loathe this man with my entire heart, to the core of my body, to my all might. Every single second I see him, the loathe increases abundantly.

It makes me wanna die knowing the fact that I couldn't do anything—knowing that I am sealed behind those four frigid walls, and my hands are locked with those silver thick shackles. Which are in no way close to unlocking and freeing my cold-paled hands. I am just a dust of this cinch.

There is no way I can run
No way I can breathe the air of my wills
No way I can brighten my only cherished past with my lover
No way I can see the sole stability with my soulmate, who used to Kindle my life like an average happy housewife.
My love♡

He is someone with whom I desire to see in every aspect of life without any uncertainties. Someone with whom I dare to take any dangerous steps with blind eyes.Someone with whom I can stay mute and give attention to his alluring and melodious deep voice, which drives me insane to its best. His gammy simile—which is enough to cure me of any disease or any awful sickness. The dimples that are drawn on his face are just the cherry on top thing. His tanned honey skin shines at its peak when greeted with the sunlight. The prominent part of his face makes me wanna die in awe. HIS EYES— Green as the forest after rain with the texture of sunlight, that holds the audacity to capture any woman's heart. It emphasizes the purity and innocence of green nature. His looks are enough to make any person get insecure about their appearance.
He is my paint in this empty world. —The paint that binds me with this world in a good way. Whenever I see the black-white pictures in my lowest. He used to come up with his colors and would paint the surroundings into a glitter of merry.

But now.
I lost those colors in my life in a vicious manner, Which left me with mare 2 colors, The colors that I used to cherish have lost their Artist in the dryness of water which I denote as his blood.. The blood that was so precious to be drained, but to my dismay This Maron bathed in those drops of blood with so much joy, which was of my only husband.

3 and a half years ago...

It was the day of Christmas

I was sitting around in my house and was waiting for my husband to come from his 9 to 5 job, Alas,  it's showing 11 pm on the wooden-shaped clock, by and by— my bewilderment was ascending, it's so uncommon of Alexander to be behind time. I don't have a phone with me to communicate with him. It's dangerous to carry one because of Jason, he's yet behind me and hasn't gotten over me.—and this time he is at his worst. So my husband reckons that we should not carry any tracking device that may attract him in any way. Though we are safe now, far away from his terror and out of his reach, however, the fear didn't dare to go away. Some part of me still feels unsafe, that one day he may come and destroy the only peace I possess.

Shortly, my thoughts were interrupted by the sharp scratching sound of the doorbell.
I let the long-hold sign of relief come from my body and advance my way towards the door. As I open the door—there he is... My love standing with his high-key charm, without waiting for his reaction, I jump on him and cage him with my tight yet full of love arms. In reply, he chuckles and hugs me bake with the same pressure I was putting on him.

He indeed loves me as much as I do or maybe I love him more...
I giggled to myself and was pleased with the safe and sound arrival of my husband.

"How's my darling doing? "He asked still his veiny hands lingering around my square-type physique.

"No better than now"I replied with a huge grind of love in my heart. Which Ascend my heartbeat to its best.

"Has my precious eaten? Alexander questions with a slight fatigue drawn on his alluring face.

"How could I? I better starve rather than be full without my love presence."I gave him my fullest smile which I know for sure that it makes him feel like a whole damn zoo in his abdomen.

With a not-so-angry Glimpse, He made me drag to the kitchen.


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