Chapter 1: Uh Oh

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*5 years ago*

"I'll see you tomorrow" I said to my co-worker Nathan as I clocked out of my second job, I made my way to the lockers and grabbed my stuff before heading out.

I stepped out into the cool air and began to stroll down the road back to my home, the streets were mostly empty with people occasionally scurrying passed.

I turned into my neighbourhood and walked over to my home, I pushed the door open and was met with my father with a knife in his hand but once he saw me he let out a breath and put it down "hailey, it's okay it's just hailey" he shouted and my mother and my older brother soon came out.

"Soo...are you going to tell me why I was just held up at knife point" I asked as confusion clouded my brain as my mother checked over my body as if she was searching for something. "You might want to sit down for this" my mother said.

That was 5 years ago.

I stood up from my little camp I had made in an abandoned store and slung my backpack around my shoulder making all the items clang together from the motion.

I grabbed my katana and pulled it over my filthy clothes before grabbing my smaller knife and putting it in the side of my boot then put one of my guns I had found in my holster.

I stretched quickly before making my way out of the store and through the ghost town. Abandoned cars, army tanks and shopping carts filled the streets, the wind blew making the smell of rotting flesh become stronger, i scavenged through some of the other stores finding some ammo, food and a torch before I decided it was time to leave.

I walked through the tall trees of the forest cautiously looking around for walkers, I didn't know where I was exactly going or where I would be staying next but I had to find shelter before sundown.

I walked deeper into the forest when suddenly I heard groans and growls making me snap my head into that direction, walkers. Luckily there were only 5 so I grabbed my katana out of its case and held it up in front of me, I sliced and stabbed each one hearing the thud as they dropped.

Once it was all clear again I kept walking, the sun began to slowly go down "shit!" I cursed under my breath as I walked faster, "fuck it!" I mumbled and pulled myself up a tree quickly.

Being in a tree wasn't ideal but it was safer then being on the ground, I watched as darkness took o we the sky and more walkers limped around, I didn't move, I didn't even make a sound not wanting to draw the unwanted attention to the dead that growled below me.

The morning came quicker then I had expected, I looked around quickly before jumping down and continuing my journey.

I saw the top of some tall buildings peaking out from the top of the trees and I made my way to the new town, I wondered through the street, going from one store to another.

I was scavenging through a store but a voice made me freeze, "so what do we have here" a deep voice asked and I slowly turned around and was met with a man.

He looked around mid 30's, he has a shaven face and a buzz cut, he began to step closer making me step back, "oh come on sugar don't be like that" he smirked and stomped over to me but before he could grab me I kicked him in the leg making me groan in pain and I ran.

"Get back her brat!" He growled and chased after me, I ran as fast as my legs could trying to get away from the perverted male, I made a sharp turn and ran into a tall building, I quickly ran up the stairs and then down a hallway, I swung open a door and shut it before putting a desk in front of it.

I put a hand over my mouth as I heard his footsteps get closer to the door, "stupid bitch" he muttered and stomped away. I let out a breath and decided to camp here until I was sure the male was gone.

I threw my bag down onto the floor and then sat down next to it, I looked at the sky through the window and let out a sigh and softly held my mother's necklace that was placed around my neck "I miss you" I whispered.

"Hailey, honey you have to get out of here" my mom screamed at me as a group of walkers began to close in, "b-but mom I can't leave you guys-" I stuttered as I looked up at my mom. "Go into the forest and hide, we will be there soon I promise" my mom said with a reassuring smile.

I nodded and ran into the forest, I looked back and watched as my mom, my dad and my older brother fought off some of the walkers, they will make it I thought before running further into the forest and hiding by a river.

I waited and waited but they never came. I didn't want to move just in case they did come but after a while I built up the courage to go back for them, I climbed out and made my way back to the field we had been, when I got there the bodies of the walkers covered the ground but no sign of my family...where were they?

I heard growling and turned my head and let out a brother. I walked over to him and he growled and stalked towards me snapping his teeth, "I'm sorry Lucas" I sobbed before stabbing him in his head and I watched as his now cold body dropped to the floor.

I made my way further into the field and parents. I watched my mom and dad limp around growling and groaning, I stabbed them in the head and dropped to my knees next to them. "I love you" I sniffled, I took my moms necklace and my dads gun and knife.

I jolted awake and couldn't help the sob that escaped my lips, I curled my knees closer to me as I cried at the dark memory of my family. I miss them so much but I know they would be proud of me.

I was soon snapped out of my thoughts by a growl from my stomach, I pulled open my backpack and grabbed the canned peaches I had managed to scavenge, I sat and ate in peace then once I finished I put the can down then stood up dusting off my pants.

I grabbed my backpack and then threw it on my shoulder yet again, then I pulled the desk away from the door before swinging it open, I poked my head out slowly and looking down both ends of the hallway before making my way down the stairs and out of the building.

I quickly made my way out of the town and into the forest, even though being out in the open is always the safest option I didn't want to run into any groups.

I've met a few groups, some good some bad, but every single one had fallen apart in front of my eyes so I've never joined one and don't plan on it. I trekked through the grungy woods in hope of coming across a town or a place I could scavenge.

I was deep in thought when I felt the feeling of cold hands grabbing making me snap out of my daze, my eyes widened as the walkers teeth snapped in my face, I tried pushing the Walker off but my hand went through the fragile bones, the sticky cold feeling of the walkers blood submerged my hand.

The Walker fell on top of me making me lose balance and fall backwards, I saw a rock in the corner of my eye and quickly grabbed it then smashed it in the walkers face making the blood splatter onto my face, I kept smashing its head until it went limp and fell on top of me.

I let out a breath and pushed the Walker off of my body, I stood up and looked around before grabbing my backpack that had fallen off my shoulder then started to walk again.

I had been walking around for weeks now, some days I was lucky enough to find a barn or an abandoned house I could camp in but if I was unfortunate I would have to stay up in a tree.

During the weeks I had been walking through the forest I had met some groups, they were kind but I told myself I couldn't stay with them, they gave me food before I made my journey to wherever I was going next.

I once again came across a small town, much smaller then the others I had visited, but as I made my way towards the new town I heard voices, loud voices.

I ducked down and slowly crept behind a tree that was at the border of the forest, the voices were much more clear but I still couldn't see anything, i huffed and quickly climbed the tree.

I watched as massive groups of people walked into different stores to scavenge. I scanned the crowd and A male caught my attention, his hair was gelled back and he wore a leather jacket, he held a bat that was covered with barbed wire around it occasionally swinging it around.I tried to take a closer look but lost balance and pummelled to the ground, soon enough I heard a voice "Boss we found a girl" the male said. Uh Oh I had been caught.

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