The Dream

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Hey!!! This part of IAJ is a dream Brianna has and it might be VERY LONG!!!! I am SO sorry!!!!!!!!! I hope you like it and tell me what u think!!!! WARNING: You might get a little emotional reading this because I did.


Sorry I got stuck in my dream world, only Rushers can understand this!!!

Okay, I'll shut up and let u read

The Dream


It was almost time for Logan to pick up Brianna. Brianna wore a blue shirt, that said "Embrace the Unknown" and jeans with some flats. She didn't put on to much because she wasn't going to any big party and it was just a simple date today. She was excited to where they would be going. Logan was going to take Brianna to a boardwalk on the beach. He said there would be a lot of fun stuff to do. This was actually Brianna's first time to something like this and she would enjoy her first time down at the boardwalk with Logan.

The door bell rung. Looks like it time for Brianna's date with Logan. Brianna opened the door and there was a beautiful, red rose at the end of her porch. She went to pick it up. She saw a note tied to it and it said...

'For my love

For my love, a rose sent from a dove'

The note didn't have a signature. She wondered for a second, thinking of who it might be. Soon enough, she felt a familiar pair of arms wrap around her. She turned around and saw two beautiful brown eyes. She knew instantly, they belonged to her wonderful boyfriend, Logan. Logan said, "Do you like the note I did?" "Yes, of course." Brianna responded. She hugged Logan. Logan gave Brianna a kiss. "Are you ready, Bri?" asked Logan. Brianna nodded and they both went to Logan's car.

The ride was filled with some small talk. It was hard for Brianna to keep her excitement hidden, but Logan noticed, he took his free hand and put it on Brianna's hand. "Save some of the excitement until we get there." He laughed at Brianna's excitement. Brianna blushed and giggled.

They were nearing the boardwalk. The closer they got, the more excited Brianna was. They turned into the entrance. Once they found a parking place and got out of the car, they walked to the boardwalk. Brianna felt like a little girl opening presents on Christmas Day. She was amazed by all the activities there were to do. Logan laughed at her being like a child. They looked at each other and Logan asked, "So, what would you like to do first?" It was hard for Brianna to decide because there were so many to choose from. She looked around and soon, she spotted the Ferris Wheel. Brianna kinda had a fear of heights, but as long as Logan was going to be with her, she would be alright. Then they got in the line, Brianna started to get scared. Logan must have noticed because he put his arm around her.

They were next in line. Brianna was really frighten now. Once they were seated and all buckled up, the ride started. Logan rocked their cart back and forth, Brianna screamed and laughed at the same time, "Stop, stop, stop!!" Logan stopped and laughed at her. Once he was calmed down, he held her hand and looked into her loving eyes. He whispers into her ear, "Don't worry, I'm here you." They stopped at the top of the Ferris Wheel. Brianna was scared to even open her eyes, so she squeezed Logan's hand. Logan did the same back to her. It was the perfect moment for a kiss, but they didn't lean in. Logan had something better planned.

After a few more rides the couple went on, they were ready to look at the starry night sky. It was around 9:45pm. They walked to the end of the peer. Brianna was in awe over the night sky. Logan couldn't keep his eyes off Brianna. Just her smile would capture him in love. That was the first thing he fell for about her. He always loved that smile. Brianna turned her head so she was facing Logan. "Thank you for such a wonderful night, Logan. I don't think anyone else could have given me a great time like you." said Brianna. Logan replied, "Why thank you my lady, but the night isn't over yet." Brianna was confused. What did he mean by the night isn't over yet? Before Brianna knew it, she felt soft lips touch hers. She opened her eyes for a quick second, to see who it was kissing and sure enough, it was Logan. She couldn't help, but kiss him back. He was so passionate with the kiss that Brianna didn't know what was going on around her. They looked into each other's eyes. They soon found each other lost looking at each other.

Logan was about to say something, but the words didn't come out like he wanted. He tried again and said, "Brianna you are the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on. You are a strong woman that it's not funny. You are, just, the greatest woman I've ever met in my whole life." Brianna was in tears when he said those words. Logan pulled Brianna into a hug and said, "I love you with all my heart Brianna and no one can ever change that." Tears escaped Brianna's eyes. "Logan, you are an amazing guy that I would never let go of." Brianna said while crying.

Little did they know that there was someone watching them. The person pulled out a gun and shot Logan. Everyone turned to see what was going on. Brianna got on her knees and held Logan's hand. She kept saying, "Logan please don't go!! Don't leave me!!!" The paramedics came and took Logan to the hospital. Brianna followed along in Logan's car. She was so scared and questions running though her head like mad. Once they arrived, Brianna parked Logan's car and ran as fast as she could into the hospital. She saw Logan coming in with so many paramedics, she followed them. They got to the OR and a nurse asked Brianna, "Miss, are you family?" "No, but I NEED to be in there with him, please?" Brianna begged. The nurse agreed and let her in. Brianna thought that the perfect date turned into a nightmare. Once Brianna saw Logan, she rushed to him and held his hand. She prayed that she wouldn't loose the man of her dreams, her prince charming, her first boyfriend. Logan opened his eyes and looked at Brianna. He said, "I'm not going anywhere and I will make it." Logan squeezed Brianna's hand. "I know you will." Brianna tried to speak but could not because she was crying. The doctor said they needed to start operating now. Brianna said to herself that everything would be okay, don't worry. She hoped...


Is anyone's emotions going crazy right now. Who knew this perfect date would become a disaster!!!!! Tell me what think and I hope you like it!!! This chapter is dedicated to @ValeriaHenderson cuz she helped me with it and she got the song right in the last chapter!!! LOVE U VAL!!!!

Lyric Time!!! First one to guess the song will get a dedication!!!

'You and me together make a number one record

Girl you know the only song that I wanna do

Is featuring you'

No hints on this one. Sorry. But you should know this one no doubt.

Love to all and peace out


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