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In a life with endless pages

I always seem to be lost in mazes.

A ripped out page that I don't want to remember,

And if I do, I can't seem to control my temper.

I'm afraid of being the same as my creators,

Yet I am afraid I will be much more worse

I know I'm a fighter,

But what if I am unable to break the curse?

What exactly am I? What do I stand for?

Because I feel like a glove.

They see me for my wrath,

I wish I could get rid of everything in just a bath.

I believe I am a puzzle that refuses to be solved,

Because they could see the lines that are carved.

A tragically beautiful work of art,

But also replaceable.

I wish to be a painting,

That even if I am smeared with filth,

They'll worship me like a myth.

A book that is finally annotated.

Maybe that way they'd see me through the naked eye,

And I'll know who am I.

- aanijian

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