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"I want you to join my band," he says.


I laugh and make a confused face at him. "You're joking.. right?" I question.

He shakes his head and says, "No. I think you're incredible. I want you in my band."

I try to brush off the compliment that makes my cheeks turn red, and I look him in the eyes and reply, "But your band is a boy band. I'm a girl."

A big smile spreads across his face and he laughs, "Our band is not a boy band! Have you ever even heard of us?"

"Of course...!" I stutter.

"Come on, name one of our songs then, fan girl," he says. I open my mouth to form a reply, but I don't have anything. I start playing with my hair out of habit and look back at him. I shake my head. "Okay," he says, "give me your cell, and I'll write my number in it." I pull my phone from my pocket and hand it to him. "Just give me a call if you decide that you want to. I'll introduce you to the rest of us if you want."

"But what if I'm not good enough?" I mumble. He looks at me with wide eyes and puts my cell into my hands.

He keeps his hand held over mine and replies, "Don't even worry about that. You have a beautiful voice and clearly a great personality." His eyes sparkle and he flashes me another soft smile. He lets go of my hands and pats his legs. "Well, I better get going. I gotta get up early tomorrow," he says quietly. He walks away and leaves me standing there shocked. I tap my phone on my hands and stare into the sky.

I walk back into the bar to find my mom. I'm tired, I wanna go home, and I want to ignore everything that just happened. I quickly find my mom and tug on her sleeve. "Ohh... hi!" she slurs, "What's up?"

"I'm going home. Love you," I say. She hugs me and turns around to keep talking to her friends. I walk briskly outside and immediately get into my car. The whole ride home all I can think about is Bill and his band. How do I know if I want to join their band if I've never even heard their music? I click through each station on the radio, and I'm not having good luck.

I click on the rock station, not expecting to find anything, but there pops up the name Tokio Hotel. "Strange," I mutter to myself. I listen to the song and despite my predictions, it's not bad at all. It's actually really nice music. I could see myself listening to it on my own time. I continue to listen to that station on my way home.

As soon as I get into my apartment, I get into the shower and take all my makeup off. I stand in the hot water for a while, just thinking. Thinking about how my life would be if I joined that band. I just don't think I can do it. I mean I freaked out over performing my song in a bar. How could I be able to do it in front of hundreds of people?

After my shower, I throw on some pajamas and jump onto my bed. Performing is a lot of work so I quickly get under the covers and close my eyes. As I drift off to sleep I have a dream.

In my dream, I'm on the stage of a giant stadium. The stadium is filled to max capacity. People are cheering my name. I smile in the glory and close my eyes. Suddenly the cheering turns to boos. It echoes through the stadium and drills straight into my head. I clench my hands against my head and attempt to drown it out but everything I can hear is the crowd's screams.

I wake up with a harsh exhale and the sound of my alarm clock burning through my skull. I quickly turn it off and put my head into my hands. That was a horrible dream.

I quickly jump out of bed and get ready. I put on a pair of jeans and a black tank top. I decide to also put on a sweater, in case it's a little cold out. I pull out my phone and dial Alissa's number. The ring tone drones on until she answers.

Voice Of An Angel || Bill KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now