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Wow. Could this band get any better? They want me to perform my original song for all of their fans.


At the restaurant, we all planned to go to the mall the next day. It's now the next day, and I'm trying to figure out what to wear. I end up going with a cropped black long-sleeved t-shirt paired with baggy green cargo pants. I carefully put my makeup on, making sure to keep my hand steady. When I'm ready I look in the mirror and fluff my hair with my hands. I look hot.

When I get the car I think about the fact I get to perform a song I wrote for millions of people. The thought makes my stomach flip in both excitement and nervousness. As I drive I blast music in my car. I know people can definitely hear whatever I'm listening to but it doesn't bother me.

When I arrive at our local mall I see the four boys leaning against a car talking. I quickly get out of my car and skip over to them. "Hello!" I chime. They all wave and smile.

"Finally! I want to get ice cream so bad," Tom complains. I laugh at him and begin walking into the mall. Tom immediately beelines to an ice cream stand and we follow him. Everyone orders their ice cream. Bill gets caramel, Tom gets lemon, Georg gets strawberry, and Gustav gets plain vanilla. I got birthday cake, which earned the prize of the most childish.

"I can't believe you got lemon ice cream," I tease. Tom rolls his eyes and scoffs.

"For your information, it's the best flavor," he replies.

I shake my head and say, "It isn't but tell yourself whatever!" As we walk, I look at Bill's cone, and I'm kind of mad I didn't get that flavor. It smells and looks really good. He laughs and I look up at him.

"Mad you didn't get the right flavor?" he asks poking my arm. I shake my head even though that's exactly what I'm thinking.

"Nuh uh.. it just smells good," I combat. He stops walking and holds the cone out to me. I look up at him again to confirm it's okay and he nods. I lick the ice cream careful not to get too much and continue walking. "Oh my god, that's so good. Why do you have such good taste in everything?" I say.

"You weirdo, stop flirting with our beloved band member!" Tom yells.

Bill throws a death stare at Tom and says, "I don't know I just do what I want." As we walk he questions, "Also what do you mean in everything?"

"Oh, you know. You listen to great music. You have the coolest style. You always pick the right thing to eat," I mumble. His face turns pink and he looks away shyly smiling. Everyone finishes their ice cream and Tom pulls Georg and Gustav into a store. "Damn okay, he really didn't want to hang out with us," I scoff.

Bill laughs and grabs my hand, pulling me into a store. I adjust my hand in his grip and look around the store. The stores filled with jeans, studded belts, dark clothes, and other things right up my alley. He keeps my hand in his and I smile at him. "I knew you'd like this store," he jokes.

We walk around the store and pick out some things together. We decide to plan a couple outfits we can match on stage. After picking out lots of things we hurry back to the fitting rooms and try on things together. We go into fitting rooms next to each other. We try on each outfit and laugh while listening to the other struggle to get an article of clothing on.

"Oh my god these jeans are stuck below my hips," I complain.

Bill bursts out laughing and teases, "Mine went on perfectly fine."

"Yeah, it's cus you don't have curves asshole!" I yell. I hear him inhale sharply and continue laughing. I finally get the jeans on and sigh. "These are actually pretty cute," I say.

"Let me see!" he exclaims. My cheeks heat up when I look in the mirror. The shirt I'm wearing doesn't have much fabric on it and it hugs my body tightly. I open the door hesitantly and cross my arms uncomfortably. He looks at the outfit, and I slowly uncross my arms. When I do, his eyes immediately dart up to my eyes and his face reddens.

"I don't know, I don't think it looks good on me," I mumble.

He widens his eyes and says, "No, you look incredible! You should buy it." I nod and shuffle back into the changing room. I quickly change back into my own clothes and go to the checkout. Bill and I bought 2 outfits to match and I ended up getting the one he liked.

"Now we have to go find the losers that ran away!" I exclaim pulling Bill with me. We're walking around trying to find at least one of the boys, but he suddenly stops walking. He's looking at a dress in a window. The dress is really pretty. It's black and has patterns of lace and floral attached to it. I look at Bill and he looks at me smiling.

"I don't really wear dresses," I say.

"Please, it would look really pretty on you," he pleads, "And you'll need nice outfits, for things like interviews." For some reason, I can't refuse him. I find myself walking into the store looking for the dress. Once I find the dress Bill looks at me excitedly. Why's he so excited to see me in this?

I take the dress to the dressing room, but I panic when I realize it has a zipper in the back. I twist my arms behind my back, trying to zip it up, but I can't get it no matter how hard I try. "Bill," I say quietly.

"Yes?" he replies.

"Can you help me with the dress," I mumble, "I can't zip up the back."

"Uhh, yeah. Let me in," he says. I open the door holding the front of the dress. He looks at me nervously and shuts the door behind him. He carefully zips the dress up and puts my hair in front of my shoulders. I look in the mirror and I love the dress. It fits me perfectly and I think I'd actually wear it. I look at Bill's expression using the mirror. He's wide-eyed with a big smile on his face.

"Wow, this is actually really pretty," I whisper.

"See I told you. It's really pretty," he says. He places his hand on my hips and asks, "Do you need help getting it off?" I nod and he unzips it. I smile a thank you to him and he steps out of the changing room. When he does, I hear another person laugh. I quickly change into my clothes and hold the dress on my arm.

I step out and I'm greeted but Tom, Gustav, and Georg. "Woah! What were y'all doing in there?" Tom questions. I look at Bill and widen my eyes. I realize how terrible that looks.

"I was just helping her zip up a dress," Bill says elbowing Tom harshly.

Tom almost falls over and he laughs, "I'm just joking brother." Bill takes the dress from my hands and walks away. I look at Tom and roll my eyes.

"You really don't have a filter, do you?" I say.

"Nope, it keeps everything interesting!" he exclaims, "I just say whatever I think."

I begin to walk to Bill and say, "You need to wash your brain dude." When I walk over to Bill he hands me a bag with the dress in it. "You didn't have to!" I say smiling. I hug him trying to thank him.

"It's my gift to you for joining the band," he whispers to me. We all walk out of the mall and I wave goodbye to them. I get into the car and that's when I realize that not a single person bothered me and Bill today.

I flip on the radio and that's when I hear something I most dreaded. "Latest news on Tokio Hotel! Fans are going crazy over a photo of their beloved Bill with another girl at the mall," the person on the radio says.

Voice Of An Angel || Bill KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now