- part 5 -

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| Kyle |
My eyes fluttered open, since when was my dorm so warm? As I snuggled into my pillow a pair of arms wrapped around me. It took me a minute to realize my so called "pillow" was actually Stan'a chest. I jolted back.


"Oh, hey Kyle. How was your nap?"

His bed voice was attractive. Very. Though it didn't answer any of my questions.

"Why are you in my dorm? It's like two o'clock." I asked.

"Actually, why are you in my dorm?" He corrected

I looked around. I was in Stan's dorm. Holy crap what is happening. I tried to think what happened earlier in the day. It quickly all came back to me, the testing, the memories, then he dozed off on my shoulder. I guess I did too.

Because it was only 2:00pm, we decided to get something to eat. Neither of us had eaten anything the entire day. As we were walking down to the cafeteria, Heidi stopped the two of us.

"Hey you two! Good news Stan, the electrodes picked up some sort of ability in your memories. Though it didn't seem to be triggered by anything. Do you mind stopping by the training room some time today?"

We quickly ate and then reported to the training room as we were told. I figured Clyde would be in there so I shot him a text to let him know that we were coming.

| Stan |

I was starting to hate all of this testing, a training room sounds pretty cool though. The room itself was huge. It had many stations, weight lifting, treadmills, and a few rooms with glass walls. I wondered what they were. As soon as we entered we were greeted by a brunette boy who introduced himself as Clyde. I could tell he worked out a lot, he was pretty fit and stood at around 6'0, a few inches taller than me.

"Okay I have a meeting in a few minutes. Kyle, take him into the first simulation room. There should be a table with a bunch of weapons. Let him experiment with them."

With that, Clyde left us to ourselves. Kyle and I made our way over to the rooms with the glass walls. A simulation room, Clyde called it. It had grass turf flooring with a screen on the back wall.
Kyle handed me a cell phone.

"What am I supposed to do?" I asked.

"I don't know just whatever feels right."

"Its a cell phone Kyle, not a weapon."

"Just do it."

I extended my arm, posed and took a selfie. I really wasn't sure what else to do with it. Next, he handed me a throwing star.

"What the actual hell do you want me to do with this?"

"I don't know dude. Do you feel tingly or something?"

I tossed it back on the table and chose an item myself. I picked up a drill and pulled the trigger resulting in a loud buzz from the drill.

"Now this I can work with." I said with a smile.

"Are you sure? I'm sure you've worked with drills before without anything happening right?"

"Not really. I've never been close with my dad so we've never don't project together or anything."

He nodded and turned on the simulator from outside of the room. Once it started up it felt so real, like I was actually in battle. Everything in the room disappeared. He didn't give much direction so I just kinda did what felt right. I aimed the drill at the enemies and pulled the trigger resulting in nails shooting towards them. After I had knocked down all of the foes the simulation came to a close and the room came back into focus.

"That was awesome! I'll let everyone know you found your class. We can figure this out tomorrow."

I could tell he felt a little awkward about what happened earlier. I didn't really think it was a big deal though. We walked out of the training room and back towards the dorms together.

"Oh! I forgot to tell you. On Fridays the squad gets together to do something, I think it would be nice for you to meet your future teammates. Only if you want."

"Will you be there?" I asked

"If you want me to."

We agreed to go, it was a movie night in the theatre. You be surprised how many unnecessary rooms are in headquarters. We planned to meet back outside the elevators at 6:00pm, that gave me 3 hours of down time.

Inside my room was three suitcases. Confused, I open one. Inside was all of my things from back home. They must have cleared my room because I couldn't name one thing that wasn't in there, even baseball trophies from fourth grade. A little unsettling they went in my house, but I'll let it slide because I needed a change of clothes at some point. I showered and unpacked a little before meeting Kyle back at the elevators.

Sorry for the slow uploads. I lost motivation for a bit. Hopefully I can get back into it and continue the story!

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