공원과 구 아이 -3

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Park and Two Kids

"So now that we are done eating. Where do you wanna go next? asks Yoongi, tilting his head a bit.

"You look hot when you do that." says Jimin, in a flirty tone.

"Why, thank you." says Yoongi, gummy smiling.

"Why not go to the park?" says Jimin, shrugging his shoulders.

"THE PARK'S HOUSE!" yells Yoongi, suprised.

The people in the restaurant look at them, weirdly.

"Oh my. Min Yoongi, keep your voice down." whispers screams Jimin, a little embarrassed.

"You know your parents don't like poor people and they are homophobic so they will hate us. Well mostly me." says Yoongi.

"No! I don't want my parents to know about us. And no I meant a park. Like a playground park." says Jimin, facepalming himself.

"Oh. Well why didn't you say so? Let's go then." says Yoongi, standing up from the chair. He walks over to Jimin's chair and pulls his chair out like the gentleman he is.

"Thank you, my Min Yoongi." says Jimin, standing up and looks at hin.

"Your welcome, my Min Jimin." says Yoongi.

"Oh, let me go pay." says Jimin, going to the cash register.

"Oh, Jimin. Why can't I ever pay for our dates. I am the gentleman. You just wait, Jimin. Someday I will be the one going to that box shit." says Yoongi, looking at Jimin pay for their food.

He comes back and they both leave to the park.

They sit on a bench. Not one inch away from each other.

"Look, Yoongi." says Jimin, pointing at a little kid going up the playground.

"Isn't she a little cutie?" says Yoongi, smiling at the little girl.

"She is. When do you think. . . ?" says Jimin in a low voice.

"Jimin. . . I already told you-"

"Yah yah. That you won't do good as a dad. But I know you will. You will be the number 1 dad." says Jimin.

"Jimin, I know you really want a kid but. Trust me. I won't do any good. Jimin, I can't even pay for our dates. How do you think our kid will ever have anything it will ever want." says Yoongi.

"We won't spoil the kid. When it grows up it will want everything. To raise a kid we don't need to but it expensive things. And not let it play with much devices." says Jimin, "I grew up like that. And I don't want my kid to too."

"I-I will think about it." says Yoongi, rubbing Jimin's thigh (nothing weird).

"Who cares what the magazines say about me. Me being gay and having a kid with someone who doesn't have much." says Jimin, resting his head on Yoongi's shoulder.

"I will think about it." says Yoongi, smiling softly, and rests his head on Jimin's head.

They stayed like that for a while. Both enjoying the calmness of the wind. The quietness. Until.

"Sir. Hello, sirs?" says something.

They both open their eyes and look at the ground. 2 little cute kids.

"Are you two lost?" asks Jimin, getting off the bench and squats on the ground to be the same height as the kids.

"S-sir, our eomma said she come back for us. But tha' wa' 3 hours ago. She lef' us here with big scwary mans. And we wan away because they try touch Kookie." says the hyung.

"Why would your parents leave such cute kids?" asks Yoongi.

"I no know." says the younger one.

"How old are you cuties?" asks Jimin, caressing the younger's cheek.

"Me 4, Kookie is 2." says the hyung.

"Your name is Kookie?" asks Yoongi.

"No, Kookie name is Jungkook but Tae like to call him Kookie." says the hyung, smiling at his little brother.

"And what is your name, little cutie?" asks Jimin, looking at the hyung.

"Taehyung!" says the hyung, boxy smiling.

"You two have the cutest names!" says Jimin, squeezing their little chubby cheeks.

Jungkook giggles cutely.

"Do you want to wait for your parents?" says Yoongi.

"No, she rude and she lef' fo' lon' time! Pwaese hid us from the big scawy mans." says Taehyung.

Jungkook whimpers and does graby hands towards Jimin. He picks him up like carrying a baby. "You are so cute, Koo." says Jimin, smiling.

Yoongi picks Taehyung up and sits him on his lap. Yoongi holds him so he won't fall down.

Jimin sits back down on the bench and sits Kookie on the lap close to Taehyung so the brothers won't be seperate.

"Kookie, everything be fine." reassures Taehyung, as he caresses his baby brother's chubby cheeks.

"Tae Tae, everything be fine?" says Jungkook, confused.

"Everything be fine." says Taehyung, nodding.

"So who were the guys who tried touching Jungkook?" asks Yoongi.

Taehyung looks around the park with his big eyes. He find them and points at the men. "They right there! They are so so scary." says Taehyung, hiding his face in Yoongi's chest, "Can you please take care of Kookie?"

"We will take care of you both." says Jimin, smiling.

"Twake cware!" says Jungkook, excitedly.

Yoongi observes the guys. It looks like they are looking for the kids because they look around. He sees as he goes up to other parents and ask about some kids. He sees as some of then reach down to tell the parents that is how short the kids they are. They get closer and closer.

"Guys. Don't talk. Kookie and Tae, don't says anything, got it?" says Yoongi.

"Yes." they both say.

Jimin turns Jungkook around so they won't recognize his face. "Why don't we just leave?" says Jimin.

"I got an idea." says Yoongi, as he picks Taehyung up from his lap and gives him to Jimin. Now he has two kids on him.

"Go into the car and stay there. They will ask me questions and I will too. Just take them in the car." says Yoongi, giving him the car keys.

"Wouldn't we basically be kidnapping?" asks Jimin.

"Kidnapping but be saving them by some weird men and go!" says Yoongi.

"Going! Going!" says Jimin, as he stands up and leaves towards their car.

"Now you, men." says Yoongi, looking as the men getting closer.

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