이상한 행동 -71

44 6 0

Acting Weird

Yoongi was as depressed as ever. He sunk on the couch and stared at the blank TV.

“Appa!” Namjoon ran to the couch and put his hands on Yoongi’s stomach and sort of bounced in place.

Yoongi hummed and moved his eyes to Namjoon.

“Appa, play with brothers and me!” Namjoon giggled and put his tiny hands over his mouth.

“What about daddy? Go ask him.” Yoongi turned away from him.

“Appa…” Namjoon whined and put his hands away from his mouth to grab the fabric of Yoongi’s clothing. “Appa. Appa. Appa. Appa.”

Yoongi’s left eye twitched and instantly sat up and grabbed Namjoon and sat him on his lap. “Shut up! Just shut up, Namjoon!” He yells in anger.

Namjoon’s eyes widened and he started to cry.

Yoongi’s eyes widened in relaztaion and he started to panic.

“Joonie, why are you crying, sweetie?” Jimin says from the kitchen. They has already memorized each cries of their 5 babies.

“Baby, stop… Stop crying… Appa is sorry… Oh no…” Yoongi was panicking.

Namjoon continued to cry in fear so Jimin came in to the living room, wearing an apron. He saw Namjoon crying on Yoongi’s lap, who is looking scared and panicked. “Yoongi!? Comfort him! What are you doing!?” Jimin took his apron off and threw it aside and gently lifted Namjoon up into his arms.

Namjoon sobbed and his hands clutched onto Jimin’s shirt, tightly.

“Jimin, I am sorry… I am sorry…” Yoongi ran past him and into their bedroom before closing their bedroom door.

Jimin was visibly concerned. He looked at Namjoon. “Sweetie, what happened?”

Namjoon told him what just happened, tiny sobs escaping his mouth.

“Appa is just…” Jimin didn't know what to say about Yoongi’s behavior. What he did was not right. Yelling at your son for wanting to play and just because you're upset? “Appa shouldn't have done that. He is a little upset but that was not right. I will go speak to him, for now, go play with your brothers.”

Namjoon nods and Jimin put him down on both his feet, gently spanking his butt, meaning he could go, which Namjoon took off to his room to play with the other 4.

Jimin walked into their bedroom and saw Yoongi on their bed, pulling his hair as he cried. Jimin sat next to him and rubbed his shoulder. “Yoongi…”

Yoongi looked at Jimin and sobbed. “I am the worst! I yelled at Namjoon and he just wanted to go play! It's my fault! I am just so upset that my license and the-”

“Yoongi, please.” Jimin gently tilts Yoongi’s head so they are making eye contact. “Yoongi, you need to stop this, ok? I understand you're upset. But people make mistakes. The biggest mistake you made was yell at our Joon. And, I understand, you're stressed and upset. But no need to take it out on our boy.”

“I know! I know!” Yoongi nearly yelled. “It was my fault! It was my fault! I just want to die! I don't want to be here anymore!”

“Don't speak like that. You need to live. You have me and 5 babies, who love you very much.” Jimin desperately says.

Yoongi’s cold and deadly eyes were staright into Jimin’s, his head slightly bobbing side to side.

Jimin shivered, he would be lying if he said he wasn't scared. “Yoongi…?”

“Leave me alone.” Yoongi turned around.

Jimin’s heart shattered and he felt like crying. “Yoongi! What about your sons!? What about me!? Please say something! You're scaring me!”

Yoongi just kept quiet.

Jimin sighed and shakily left the room. He was scared, no doubt. He quickly went to his 3 oldests’ room, where all 5 babies hang out.

“Daddy!” The 5 boys giggle, they were playing different things but together.

“Hey, babies…” Jimin kneeled on the floor. “Uhm…” He looked at his tiny audience. “Appa is feeling sick… Don't get near him, ok?”

“Ok!” the 4 boys say, except for Namjoon.

“Daddy, why appa yell…?” Namjoon smiffed.

Jimin looked away, nodding a little, as if thinking of what to despond with. He looked back at his babies. “He just… Appa is…” What does he tell them?

The 5 boys looked at Jimin, waiting.

“Appa no more love?” Taehyung asked as he looked at Jimin then his 4 brothers.

The 4 boys gasp and couldn't help nit get scared. Jimin knew that they shouldn't panic. “No, babies. Appa loves us. Appa love us so much! You know that, right!?” Jimin forced a smile.

The boys went back to smiling in a matter of seconds.

Jimin sighed in relief but kept a smile. “Ok, babies. You guys play. Daddy is making dinner, so when I call for you to wash your hands, go wash them, ok?” Jimin stood back up.

“Yes, daddy!” They giggle and continue playing.

Jimin left the room and wanted to bawl his eyes out. He walked to pick up his apron and put it on then walked to the kitchen and finished his cooking.

“Boys! Food is ready! Please wash your hands, sweeties!” Jimin called as he put 5 plates of food down.

The 5 boys were heard run to the bathroom and then ran to the dining table, which the door of the parents’ room neat. They all sat down and started to eat. Jimin sat with them and stared at Yoongi’s empty seat. He sighed and started to eat with his sons.

Once they were all done, the boys played a little, brushed their teeth then got tucked in.

“Good night, Jinie. Good night, Hobi and good night, Joonie.” Jimin kissed their heads then slowly left their room and went to the middle room. “Good night, Tae. Good night, Kookie.” He kissed their heads then left to his room.

He slowly entered and then closed the door. He saw Yoongi’s back in the moon light and sighed. He changed his clothing and laid next to Yoongi. Jimin was feeling clingy. He always gets clingy at night and demands for cuddles. He looks at Yoongi’s back and slowly inched closer and put a leg over his waist and clung onto him. Feeling no response or movement caused him to whine.

“Oh, Yoonie…” Jimin whined as he held himself up on his elbow.

Yoongi groaned, though he was asleep.

Jimin just got sad and cuddled up against his back.

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My birthday present to you guys ♥️

I love you and take care of yourselves ♥️

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