탁아소 -8

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"Welcome to Daycare!" says Yoongi, opening the door for Jimin and his tiny babies.

They go to the front desk lady. Yoongi and Jimin talk to the lady.

Taehyung can barely see the lady because the table is too high. You could only see his head and a little bit of his eyes. He gets on his tippy toes and can see a bit of the lady but she paid no attention to the cute kid.

Jungkook just couldn't see at all. He put his tiny hands on the desk and tried going on his tippy toes all the lady can see is a bit of his hair but still paid no attention. He still couldn't see.

"So you two are his parents?" asks the lady for the 5th time.

"Mrs. I am getting pretty angry right now. We already told you two times that we are their parents. And you are asking again so we can say the same thing again for the fifth time?" says Jimin, getting bit angry.

"Names?" she asks.

"Min Yoongi."

"Min Jimin."

"And our sons. Min Taehyung and Min Jungkook." says Yoongi.

"Who's surname?" she asks.

"Mine." says Yoongi.

"Hmmm." she looks at Taehyung. "Is this your parents, kid?" asks the lady.

"Yes. This is appa!" he points at Yoongi, "and this is daddy!" he points at Jimin.

"Again with the question." says Jimin, rolling his eyes.

"Well excuse me, young man. Just trying to make sure." says the lady.

"Can they go in now? We have to go to work." says Yoongi.

"Sure. Kids, follow me." she says, standing from her chair and walking around the desk to get to them. She reaches her hand out so they can hold it but they don't want to.

Taehyung holds onto Jimin's leg, not wanting to go.

Jungkook hugs Yoongi's legs.

They both crouch down and smile at their angels.

"Hey, my babies. It will all be alright." says Jimin, in a sweet voice. Jimin pecks their foreheads and they giggle.

"Just don't create any scenes and do not get into fights." says Yoongi, pecking their whole face.

"Tae is only 4 and Kookie is only 2! How are they gonna get into fights!" says Jimin, looking at Yoongi with both his eyebrows pulled together. Yoongi just chuckles.

They giggle more. "Ok, appa and daddy!"

"We promise we be good!" says Taehyung.

"But pwetty pwease don't forgot bout us. . ." says Jungkook in a low voice.

"Kookie, they won't! They love us!" says Taehyung, pecking his forehead.

"Ok! Ok!" says Jungkook, jumping up and down.

"Now go to the lady." says Jimin, standing back up.

"Alright!" they both go to her and hold her hand.

"Bye bye, my babies!" they both say.

The other alduts in the room look at them weirdly.

Jimin immediately quiets down.

Yoongi notices, "Don't worry, Chim." He pecks his head.

They walk put of the Daycare. Hand in hand. Good thing Jimin had a black cap and casual clothes because people would have immediately find out.

They walk to Jimin's car and they get in. He drives to the school.

• • •

At this point I don't even know what I am doing anymore. I am just writing whatever comes in my stupid ass brain.

Also if you guys want please vote. This is my first story and I feel pretty confident. But all this is happening so quick. If I was someone else reading this I also wouldn't vote either so I feel you.


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