2년 반 후 -63

50 3 0

2 and a half years later

"Can you believe it?" Jimin asks, looking at Yoongi.

"No. . . 2 and a half years already. . ." Yoongi looks at Jimin.

"I want to go back in time!" Jimin cries, burying his face into Yoongi's shoulder.

Yoongi pats his shoulder. "Sh. . . Hey! Hobi! Get off the table!"

"I think Hobi's ADHD is getting worse. . . Go and fetch me the pills." says Jimin as he lifts Hoseok up, who is super hyper.

"I am not a dog." Yoongi rolls his eyes but goes and grabs them then gives it to Jimin.

"Thanks." Jimin gives Hoseok the pills then puts him down who runs off.

"Dads!" Seokjin enters the dining table.

"Hm!?" they both turn to look at him.

"So. . . About that crush at school. . ."

"Jin, you are only 10. Sh." says Jimin.

"Go play with your brothers." says Yoongi.

Seokjin rolls his eyes but he does as told.

"Oh. . . Daddy. . ." Jungkook looks up at Jimin then looks at Yoongi.

"Yes, baby?" Yoongi asks as he lifts him up.

"I said daddy, not appa." says Jungkook, with furrowed eyebrows.

Yoongi sighs and gives him to Jimin who holds him.

"Yes, baby?" asks Jimin with a soft smile.

"Daddy!" Jungkook grins with a bunny smile. "I want banana milk, please!?"

"Yoongi, can you-"

"Yes." Yoongi leaves and comes back with Jungkook's banana milk who drinks it as Jimin puts him down on the floor.

"Daddy, appa, I forgot to tell you." says Namjoon as he goes up to them then shows them his page with an A+ marked on it and Namjoon's dimples popped up.

"Aw~ My smart baby!" Yoongi lifts him up and kisses his cheek.

"Such an expert in science!" Jimin kisses Namjoon's cheek that is in Yoongi's arms.

Namjoon giggles.

"Hey. . . What about me?" Taehyung asks with a pout as he goes to them.

Yoongi puts Namjoon down and smiles at them both. "Both of you are smart!"

"All of my babies are smart." Jimin softly smiles.

"No. . ." Taehyung shows him his page. He got a C- on his tiny math test.

"Oh. . . That is fine, baby." says Jimin.

"Yes, at least you tried. You are smart just like Joonie." says Yoongi with a smile.

"No he isn't." says Namjoon.

"Namjoon!" Seokjin furrows his eyebrows. "That was not nice! Say sorry to Tae!"

Namjoon looks at Taehyung then hugs him. "Sorry. . ." Namjoon plays with the tiny curls of Taehyung's hair.

Taehyung shows his rectangular smile. "Ok!" he smiles widely.

The boy ran to play with Brownie.

Yoongi and Jimin sit down next to each other on the couch. Yoongi's arm is around Jimin's shoulder.

"So. . . Marriage ideas." says Jimin.

"Yes." Yoongi nods, slightly moving his body to look at him.

"As you know, baby blue is a very cute color-"

"I wanted white." Yoongi pouts.

Jimin sighs. They always argue about the colors. "But baby blue will be better."

"How about. . . No." Yoongi shakes his head.

"Aw~ But white is so plain~" Jimin pouts.

"Dad, appa!" Seokjin goes to them. "What about pink!?"

"No! Green!" Hoseok came running after Seokjin, stopping in front of them. Looking at Yoongi to Jimin then back to Yoongi, widest and most beautiful smile ever.

"Those are cute colors." says Yoongi.

"Yes. They are." says Jimin, nodding.

"Purple! Daddy, appa! Purple!" Namjoon exclaims.

"I don't even know why we are saying colors!?" Taehyubg says with his rectangular grin. He came towards them while carrying Brownie. "But I think crepe!"

"Crepe?" Yoongi and Jimin look at each other then at Taehyung. Taehyung always came up with weird color names. They think Taehyung really loves colors because he likes scribbling a lot and mixing colors together. He might become an artist.

"Ya!" Taehyung nods.

His brothers look at him weirdly.

"Tae, what even is that color? You know what? Who cares." says Seokjin.

Jungkook came walking to them.

"Hm. . . What does the baby choose?" Yoongi asks.

Jungkook looks at them then at his brothers. He plays with his tiny and chubby fingers. "Banana milk. . ."

They all laugh.

"No, silly! Color!" Hoseok exclaims.

"Hm. . ." Jungkook looks at them then down. "Redue. . ."

"Redue. . ." Jimin softly smiles and ruffles his tiny Jungkook's head, who just looks up at him.

"We love all your colors. We will think about them." Yoongi says, gummy smiling, and looking at all 5 of his sons.

They all giggle and run off.

"I wonder what that color is." says Yoongi.

"What is crepe?" Jimin raises an eyebrow.

"Well, whatever. Taking about redue. We should start taking Jungkook to speech class to help him speak." says Yoongi.

"Ya, I will sign him up pretty soon at school." says Jimin. "Anyways, I really want baby blue. Plus, I will be wearing a white suit with baby blue flowers. Isn't that enough white?" Jimin asks.

"Ok. Fine. You win." Yoongi chuckles.

"Yes! I knew it! Love ya, Yoongs!" Jimin winks at him as he grabs his hair and puts it into a small ponytail. (Like he does before he practices dancing).

"Love ya too, Jiminie." Yoongi stares at Jimin with admiration as he does that.

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