아들 하나 더? -17

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One More Son?

"Daddy! Appa! Come play with Tae Tae and Kookie!" yells Taehyung, from a distance.

"COMING!!" yells Jimin, as he stands up and holds Yoongi's hand to stand him up.

"No~ I wanna sleep~" whines Yoongi, as Jimin stands him up.

Jimin gasps dramatically, "Not even because they are your kids? Really, Yoongi!"

"Hell ya!" yells Yoongi, as he runs towards the playground leaving Jimin behind.

"Hey! WAIT FOR ME, SUGA!!" yells Jimin, a she runs after him.

Parents of other kids or just people walking by themselves in the park look at them weirdly. I mean duhh they are just teenagers let them live their life, fuckers. Anyway they were looking weirdly.

Jimin catches up and tackles Yoongi into a hug, laughing and smiling.

Taehyung and Jungkook laugh at their appa who seems to want to get out of their daddy's hug.

"TAE! KOOKIE! HELP APPA! HELP APPA! HELP APPA!!" yells Yoongi, as he starts laughing because Jimin starts tickling him.

Now he can yell it out. Yelling to his sons to help him but describing him as their 'appa'.

"APPA!! We are coming to swave you!" yells Taehyung, as he goes down the playground using the slide. Jungkook does the same.

The little ones run toward their parents.

"Let go of appa, daddy!" demands Taehyung, as he playfully hits his daddy's legs.

"I don't wanna!" says Jimin, as he continues to tickle Yoongi.

"S-save me~" laughs Yoongi.

"You wonder arrest!" says Jungkook, as he pulls Jimin's hands off his appa. Which left Jimin shock because of how strong his Kookie is despite his age.

"No! I never wonder about arrest!" says Jimin, laughing at Jungkook's mistake. Jungkook puts his hands behind his back as if Jungkook was a police officer and actually arresting him.

"No~" giggles Taehyung, "You are under arrest."

"Ohh, under arrest." says Jimin, as his eyes widen.

Once Yoongi is out of Jimin's hug and tickles he sits down on the ground. He inhales and exhales slowly and just laughs a bit when he remembers what happened.

Jungkook then let's go of Jimin and sits down next to his appa and Taehyung also sits down next to him.

"Appa! You alrighty?" asks Jungkook, worried. Of course he knew his parents were just joking but he needs to act.

"Yes, baby. Thank you for wonder arresting daddy." says Yoongi, as he hugs Taehyung and Jungkook.

"Your welcome!!" says Jungkook, bunny smiling.

Yoongi kisses Taehyung and Jungkook's cheeks. They both giggle and kiss their appa on the cheek.

"What about me? Are you gonna kiss me too?" asks Jimin, as he sits down and leans foward.

"Don't kiss him, appa." says Jungkook, shaking his head.

"He tickle you. And that is no bueno. I wouldn't kiss daddy if I was you." says Taehyung, shaking his head.

"That is true what he did to me." says Yoongi, as he puts his finger under neath his chin as if he was thinking about it.

Jimin pouts, "I am sorry. I promise I won't do that again. ."

Yoongi leans and kisses his forehead.

"Oh why thank you, Suga~" says Jimin, smiling.

Yoongi looks away to look at someone who he thought was yelling his name so Jimin had the chance and sticks his tongue out at his sons who both glare at him.

"Appa!" says Taehyung, as he hugs his appa's arm who quickly looks at him.

"Yes, baby?" asks Yoongi, looking at him with big eyes.

"Daddy did this." says Jungkook, as he sticks out his tounge.

Yoongi looks at Jimin who was looking away as if he isn't knowing what is happening. "Park Jimin? Did you do that to our sons?" asks Yoongi, raising an eyebrow.

"Do what?" asks Jimin, as he looks at them. Looking confused.

"Show him what he did to you guys." says Yoongi, smirking at Jimin.

Jimin knows what he is doing.

Both Jungkook and Taehyung turned to Jimin and stick out their tounges at the same time.

Yoongi laughs after seeing Jimin's shocked face.

"You little devils." he says, scrunching his nose and looking at them.

"You too because you did it us first!" says Taehyung, pointing to his daddy.

"Ya you are so right." says Jimin, pinching Taehyung's cheek and smiles seeing him giggling.

"Tae Tae Hyung always right." says Junkook, smiling.

"You too, Kookie!" says Taehyung, as he hugs Jungkook and he hugs him backs.

"Thank you~" says Jungkook, bunny smiling.

"Excuse me, sir?" asks a lady, as she taps Jimin's shoulder.

Jimin turns around, smiling. Yoongi just glares at the stranger.

"Yes, ma'am?" asks Jimin. Then he remembers. . . what if she tries to take a picture and tell the whole world he has children with this handsome man? But then again, she didn't seem suprised when he looked at her.

"Are these your children? And is this their father?" asks the lady, pointing to both the sons who, Jungkook, has his face buried in Yoongi's chest due to his shyness. Taehyung waved at her and flashed his boxy smile. She of course waved back.

"Yes these are mine and this is my boyfriend. Why?" says Jimin, getting a bit worried that maybe she is homophobic and will hate his family.

"Would you guys like one more son?"

● ● ●

So uhm. . . The reason why I didn't get to finish is because first of all.

First, I started the story. It was cuter and shitty like this one but more cuter. I didn't get to finish it and left it half ways and I guess your stupid author forgot to save it. . .

Second, my friends keep on texting me and I can't just say "Ma bad, bitches, but don't text me because I am working on my story." I am that kind of friend but I guess I am trying to change? Is it working? No I am still that same.

Third, my sister is so fucking annoying.

Also my friend is writing this really good story. It is called "Hate to Love" by SarahyRodriguez254 go check it out!!

Anyways hope you guys have a good day, afternoon, or night!!

Love you guys!! 😘❤

Los amo!! 😘❤

사랑해요 😘❤

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