77) King of Hearts [8]

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"I hope that whoever is reading this knows the following: that no matter who you are or what you have done, that you are loved. Even if I may not know you by name or by face, our stories are still interconnected through ways we cannot imagine, and I will do everything in my power to preserve and continue your story."

Players left: 64/116
Round: 6

Added rules:
1. Volunteers allowed for trials
2. Game Clear if Rafferty's name is drawn
3. Open lobby gate
4. Six names drawn per round
5. One partner per trial

===Maeda Mihoko===

"Come on!" Zakū shouted, leading me with his hand into the east chambers, in such a blaze I nearly tripped over my shoes.

"Huh? What about the others?" I asked, yanking back at him and pulling to a stop.

He took my shoulders and looked into my eyes. "Maeda. It's every man for himself now, and I need to protect you before I turn. You're all I have left. Please don't make this any harder than it needs to be."

Without waiting for my response, he seized my hand again, and continued leading me past the security hall. I didn't argue with him; I knew he was correct, and didn't want to waste any time.

"Where? To the cages?"


"Where are you going to go?"

"I don't know, but the moment I feel anything, I'm going to run out of the cage!"

"Zakū, I'm aware your mind must be going through a hundred different thoughts right now," I said as he continued pulling me forward, "but your brain is probably the best shot we have at clearing this game. There must be something we can do other than hide!"

"You tell me!" He barked, as we entered the biology lab, as others followed behind us. He led me to one of the cages, throwing it open then slamming it shut, finally letting go of my hand and taking his jacket, putting the sleeve over his mouth and nose.

We crept down the hall, sticking close to the wall, until it opened up into a large, empty chamber. The lighting was dim, revealing faint silhouettes of food bowls, leashes, and chains. I shivered, a large vent blasting huge gales of icy air.

"We're going to die eventually," I said, "if we don't do something. Let's think."

Zakū nodded, his face slick with sweat as he continued pressing the cloth against his mouth. "At the start of each round, we can hear the vents start up again, and people start turning. At the end of each round, we hear the vents stop, and the people turn back."

"If you think about it, it doesn't make much sense." I said. "Yeah... Yeah! Now that I think about it... It doesn't make much sense at all. If your mind is under the influence of a drug, how can all your symptoms just end as soon as your supply to the drug ends?"

"Well Maeda, nothing here is typical!" He shouted. "How do we know?"

"No amount of Borderlands technology can literally alter our neurobiology!" I said. "And even if it did, it wouldn't take just a minute for all the chemical gas to clear out. Even if our symptoms ended as soon as our supply to the gas ended, then it's still take more than a minute for all the gas in the venue to clear after the vents shut off."

"So, again, there's a detail we're missing." Zakū said, his voice muffled by his sleeve.

Someone screamed in the hall, the sound of a body slamming against our cage, the metal bars rattling. I gasped, turning around, as Zakū pulled me closer, putting a protective arm around me. "There's a detail we're missing." He said again. "Just like every other game we've played."

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