Late Updates are GOALS lol

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I was in Universal all day the day I was SUPPOSED to update this but I got to do cool Harry Potter stuff instead so I'm not really SORRY, but I am sorry I didn't write anything yet lol. This Saturday I think I'm gonna finish up that Hanahaki AU, but for now wand facts I learned about the Marauders.

First of all, since when did James have a canon wand design? Why did no one tell me about this? I was walking around Ollivanders' looking at wands and I saw his in the display case and was like "OMG." I didn't end up getting it, but still. It has spiderwebs on it, which I think is kinda cool.

I also was told (by the person who worked in the hotel gift shop but I heard it somewhere else too I think, and even if it isn't true it's still cool) that the runes on Sirius's wand make a spell (duh) that makes it backfire. So, his wand is four-sided, and the top rune on one side looks like a triangle with a line going vertically down with one horizontally through the vertical line, and then on the other three sides, there's also a line on the base of the vertical line. Essentially, anyone who isn't Sirius wouldn't know that you have to put your index finger on the rune with only one line, so it would backfire on them.

Also, I swear that I will update non-Marauder stuff eventually 😭.

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