Chapter 11

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A/N: Wow! Thank you for all the comments and votes! I can't believe this story has over 1k views now, that's amazing! Here's my very short attempt before work to satisfy the 24 hour cliffhanger rule.

Kota's POV

                ...57, 58, 59, 60. One minute. It's been one whole minute since I said her name. A name I had thought and dreamed of every day for four years until I finally met Alice. My ears are buzzing so much that I can hardly hear the rest of the guys yelling. I can't believe this. I'm happy, we're all pretty much happy in our own way. And now he wants us to go on a mission with her? How could he do this to us?

                I lift my head up to check back into the conversation. Looking around the table, I can tell everyone is in shock. Dr. Green's head is still laying on his folded arms and I see a deep shudder rack down his back. Gabe has shoved his chair back and is pushing his hands through his hair over and over while shouting out random obscenities. Luke is staring at nothing with a glazed look in his eyes and his mouth slightly open taking shallow breaths. Silas is yelling too, but it's in Greek so I only catch a few of the curse words he's taught us over the years. Nathan keeps shouting "Are you kidding me! Are you fucking kidding me with this shit right now!" Victor is shaking his head with tears in his eyes and saying no repeatedly.

                Perhaps the most disturbing reaction is North's though. He isn't saying anything from his spot between Silas and Luke. As I watch him, he stands up so fast that his chair slams back into the wall behind him. He turns and walks out the back door. I'm very worried about him. He had realized he was in love with Sang first, and I think the reason that he hadn't proposed to Mariska yet is due to his reluctance to completely move on. I can't even fathom what's going on in his head right now but I'm scared this could break him again.

                I look over at our leader sitting at the head of the table. He's placed the glasses back on his face and his posture is straight while he takes in the scene in front of him. He needs to get this back in control but he doesn't move, and it pisses me off. I stand up and advance towards him. "Did you know? Did you know who you were going out with last night? What she's been doing? That she was being used as a goddamn piece of meat!" I grab him by the lapels of his jacket to lift him out of his seat, my voice rising in volume. He doesn't say anything as I get right in his face, shaking him slightly. "DID YOU FUCKING KNOW?"

                "Let him go, Kota," Dr. Green says from behind me. I look back and see his tear stained face. The rest of the guys are all staring at me. I shove Mr. B into the wall before turning to sit back down.

                "Answer his question," I hear a muted voice say. No one had noticed that North had come back into the room.

                Mr. B stands up from against the wall. He takes a second to straighten his jacket, tie, and glasses. "No, I didn't know."

                "Bullshit," North says. "You always know everything. Am I supposed to believe that you let her leave without keeping track of her?"

                "I swear, last night was the first time I've seen her or heard about her. I figured the Board would give her an alias but, respecting her privacy, I didn't dig too deeply," he says as he takes back his seat.

                "Damn it! That was the only thing that kept me sane, thinking that you knew what was happening to her and wouldn't let her get involved in anything too dangerous. And now this? Where is she? I'm putting a stop to it right now!" North is finally shouting. He picks up his discarded chair and stands behind it, hands clenched around the top. His face is distraught.

                "No, you're not. I was just as upset as you are now when I found out about it last night. She's determined to do this though. This is something that she's been working on for years and it's finally coming to a head. She's not going to let us stop her, so the only thing we can do is help keep her safe. The decision to come is yours to make alone. Take a couple hours and let me know by 2 if you'll be joining us or not so I can finalize plans," Mr. B says.

                I see a couple of my brothers start to speak up but I cut them off. "You heard the man, go home. We'll meet back here at 2 pm," I say. I watch them get up and take their plates back to the kitchen, talking quietly amongst themselves. I'm still mad at Mr. Blackbourne, but I know that we're going to need to work through this quickly if we are doing this tonight. I also need some time alone to figure out my feelings on this.

                After a quick clean up, we all go to shuffle out of the house. I take a quick peek back into the dining room and see Mr. Blackbourne and Dr. Green still sitting there silently. Mr. B looks up at me. "I'm sorry, Mr. Lee."

                "I know," I say, shaking my head. "We'll see you shortly."

                He nods at me and then looks back down at the table. I've never seen him so shaken before and I know he's just as emotional about this as the rest of us. Everyone had discounted his feelings when she left as he had never seemed to allow himself to get as close to her as the rest of us did. Maybe North wasn't the only one having trouble moving on.

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