Chapter 20

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Owen's POV

After leaving the hospital, I call Axel Toma and Sam Castle on three way, enlisting their help in setting up surveillance on the properties that Victor sent over. I offer favors from my own bank but they refuse. I'm surprised about how distraught they both are when they find out Sang is missing. Distraught and, in Mr. Castle's case, very angry.

                "Blackbourne, this was supposed to be my operation! You assured me that you and your team could keep her safe, and now I'm finding out hours later that those bastards took her!" Castle says at a near shout. "I should have never allowed you to take over. I'm holding you personally responsible for this!"

                Toma steps in. "Stop it, Sam. You heard what he said, those assholes were ready and it wouldn't have mattered what team was involved. Fighting each other isn't helping her. We need to figure this out."

                I hear a sigh. "You're right, Axel. I know you're right. Damn it! I can't think about those sons of bitches having her. We've all worked with her closely on this and she has a way of getting under your skin, ya know? I don't want anything to happen to her."

                "I assure you that we were taking every precaution but they knew our protocols and sidestepped all of them. These men are extremely dangerous," I reply, ignoring his comment about her getting under his skin. I can't afford, nor do I have the right to, any jealous feelings. "Are either of you able to take point on setting up surveillance? I'm heading to Mr. Morgan's house to go over what he's found so far. My team is reconvening in the morning to discuss options once we've narrowed down possible locations."

                Castle speaks up again. "My team will handle setting up cameras at each location. If we spot anything while we're there, I'll call it in. Let us know if your boy finds anything. I don't want to be kept out of the loop this time, understand?"

                "I understand. I think all three teams will need to work together on this one," I reply as I pull into the driveway of Victor's midcentury modern home. He had bought it after moving out of his parents' house at 18 and it suited him far more than their mansion ever had.

                "That works for me," Axel answers. "Brandon and Corey are already with Victor. Marc, Raven, and I will standby until we receive details on where to meet up once we've narrowed down the possibilities. Call me if there are any changes."

                We disconnect the call and I make my way up to the door, letting myself in. Brandon is asleep on the couch while Victor and Corey are both focused intently on the multiple computer displays in front of them. "Have you found anything, Mr. Morgan?"

                "Not yet. We were able to get the cameras set up at Metcalfe's place. No signs of activity over there. His car was parked out front and the lights were off inside," Victor says, not looking up from his computer. "Corey has started tracking the vehicle from the gas station. Using traffic cams, he was able to bring up some recordings that showed them heading northwest on I-26, away from the ports. Unless they jumped onto I-526 to loop back around, we should be able to safely assume that they didn't plan to ship her out tonight. Corey's going through the footage of that intersection now to see if we can validate that. We should be able to cross quite a few properties from the list once we've gotten an indication of what direction they were traveling."

                "Excellent work, gentlemen. Update me if you discover anything new. The Castle team is setting up surveillance on the properties you sent earlier, so you should have video feeds incoming shortly. We will be having a family meeting tomorrow morning here to discuss our next move." I receive a small nod in response, both men completely engrossed in their work.

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