Chapter 17

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I HAVE this attitude of being so serious about everything, so even where I go, it's rarely to see me smile.  Like today, I walk inside the campus and just look straight ahead even though I can still hear some students talking about me.

I don't care about them, maybe they think I'm the type of man who gets carried away and enjoy approaching every time they see me.

Well no. Because I'm disgusted by those who are over reacted and dramatic even if they're not actors.

I was just seriously walking and because I walked fast I now reached the Arts & Design Building 1.

Arts & Design is one of the strand that has many buildings, it has 7 buildings and they are only in the same space of the place, just next to each other.

These buildings are exclusive for Arts & Design Senior High students here at HA.

So it's no wonder that every room or section here is artistic to see from the outside to the inside of the classroom.

The students here are called artists.  There are students who can do multimedia arts, fine arts, filming and so on. All is good and have a different talents.

There are also many paintings and designs made by students here, myself included, which can be seen on display here in the Arts & Design buildings.

On the fifth or last floor of the Arts & Design buildings is a very wide rooftop called the Practice Area.

Arts & Design students practice there for performance task such as dancing, singing, painting, acting or theater play.

If it's not vacant and many students do practice at the rooftop, there are available Practice Rooms.  Each floor has one of it, it's even wider than the classrooms.

But I'm not going there, but to our room that on the second floor.  At the first floor I saw the shock of the students who were hanging out outside their room.

All the students here at HA knows me because I am the all time arts champion in paint category from Junior High to Senior High.

Until now, my face can still be seen in the billboard outside HA with the others very well known students here.

But I don't care about that popularity because I just want to study hard and share my skills and talents.

When I got to our room I saw the shock of my classmates that almost all of them had stopped what they were doing.

I just let them look at me until I entered, their faces were still the same, some were gaping, their mouths were covered and their eyes were wide.

"Gosh, you've been gone for a few weeks's good that you're back now, we all know that Senior High level is strict when it comes to absentees..."

The girls were shocked and I hardly can't remember their names because since I disappeared I don't have care about the people here anymore.

"Of course there is only one Art Everest, the all time art champion of HA. So the school will not waste him because he already contributed a lot..." said another boy who I don't even know who he is.

Suddenly someone clapped from behind.  "Guys Art is back!"  Mig shouted, he was the only one I remembered because we were sitting next to each other so I used to talk to him often.

I was about to go to the back where my seat was but I stopped when I saw many of my classmates helping to fix my seat and they were still cleaning it.

They also helped Mig arrange our table desk, and like the chair they also clean it with alcohol.

MAKE YOU MINE 1 | English Version | Heartful Academy #1Where stories live. Discover now