Chapter 18

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I'M on a jeep right now. We have our own car but I don't know how to drive. Dad can't even pick me up anymore, I can't say why because it will only hurt me.

My fellow passengers looked at me strangely, they kept looking at my uniform and face.

"What are you looking at?!" I asked annoyed.

"It's strange that almost all the students in HA ride in their own cars and the rest are in sports cars, while you're here in the jeep cramming..." the old woman said with a laugh.

I looked at them intently to be afraid. "Why?! Is it a big deal now to be different from students?! What's wrong with riding a jeep, I'm not ashamed of it, your looks are even more embarrassing!

I hope the worm eats you because of your toxicity! Opps, it looks like the worm won't eat you, disgusting." I said and I saw them become silent and they could hardly looked around because of the shame of being laughed at by other passengers.

I have seen the highway in our barangay. "Uncle, stop me here!" I almost yelled at the driver because I still haven't lost my annoyance with these two woman.

The jeep stopped and since the two were right in front of me, I threw my coins to them before I got off and they didn't react to it, they were cowards.

My attitudes really depend on how people treat me. I can be kind and give respect but some people don't deserve it.

I'm at a point in life that when my personality is being trampled on, I'll get revenge, because of this I've become brave.

I'm walking now on my way home and there are so many people here in our barangay that wherever I looked around there's people laughing loudly outside the house, there's also children playing on the road.

I saw from afar a many customers in a large place with various goods.

There are snacks such as banana q and also street foods such as proben, wraps, fishballs, kikiam, kwek-kwek, tokneneng and juice. Barbeques, isaw, hotdogs, longganisa, betamax and more are also prepared.

Those businesses belong to mom and it displayed outside our house.

Our business is well-known like mom's popularity here, I think almost everyone here in the barangay is her friend, because she is really good to others and never runs out of things to say.

Mom's helper in this business is only her siblings and relatives, so it really grew because of our family's help and this business is the only thing that sustains me and mom.

While mom's brothers and my cousins ​​were busy taking care of the goods and customers, mom was sitting on the side and had been smiling while holding her phone.

I held my breath. "She's probably talking to her sweetheart again," I continued walking.

When I got close to our place, suddenly a man came up behind mom and because mom was busy on her phone, she didn't realize the man grabbed the phone and ran away.

Mom stood up in shock. "Helppp!!! Neighbors, help me, my phone was stolen..." mom shouted.

My eyes also widened when I saw that, but I didn't stare anymore I immediately ran to chase the man and mom was surprised to see me.

We have reached far because even though I run fast, this man who is obviously very used to running does not slow down.

I immediately thought a best way, while I was running I took my bag from behind and I made it spin before throwing it hard at the man.

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