𝐜𝐡. 𝟏

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"elaine! breakfast is ready! you lazy bitch!" chris yelled at the top of his lungs, seeing as elaine normally sleeps in late, "chris, that's rude! and don't yell in the house!"matt argues, walking down the hall of their newly bought home in LA

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"elaine! breakfast is ready! you lazy bitch!" chris yelled at the top of his lungs, seeing as elaine normally sleeps in late, "chris, that's rude! and don't yell in the house!"matt argues, walking down the hall of their newly bought home in LA. ever since elaine graduated high school less than a couple weeks ago, she has been living with her brothers. well, technically she didn't live with them until she finally convinced her mother, mary lou, to live with her older triplet brothers. now that they have full guardianship of the young blue eyed girl. so as matt walks up to elaine's room colliding his fist with the door and slowly opens the door to his younger sister's room seeing as she is fast asleep with her covers messed up on the bed and her hair sprawled out everywhere on her pillow. "ella? ella, wake up. breakfast is served" matt whispered every so slightly, stirring in her sleep she groaned as she sat up, rubbing her eyes. once she is focused and fully awoken, she opens she light blue eyes and looks at her brother, who by now has sat crisscross on her bed. "did chris make the breakfast or did you guys buy it from MacDonalds?" elaine questions, matt chuckles at her "we got MacDonalds believe me, if chris cooked we'd be burned in a house fire." "true."

elaine and matt slowly but surely move towards the kitchen to find non burnt food. instead they find the smell of pancakes and syrup, elaine's favorite breakfast - other than waffles and french toast. as the three siblings sit down waiting for nick. and just as he's walking up to his seat, the door bell is rung, "for fucks sake, i just wanna eat breakfast." but despite this complaint coming from the oldest triplet he drags his feet to the door, lazily opening it. there on there porch stood elaine's best friend, lana roman. as lana so casually walked through their front door, she waved hi to nick and takes an extra chair and sits flat on it, "good morning, sturniolo's! how'd you guys sleep?" there was a chorus of good and okays but nick just groaned loudly, everyone turned to look at him as he was walking back towards the kitchen island, "what's with you antonio?" lana jokes, but as soon as nick gives her a death stare she stops, "don't fucking call me that, rue." he bites back, lana gave her a fake offended look and kept eating, pretending to be mad at nick. despite this argument they had, they were the best of friends. maybe because they were both gay, such moods, and loud. or not, you never know! after that lovely conversation, the four siblings focused on why lana was here, "what happened, lonnie? you're a bit early." they look at her for an answer, lana was an open book and told the sturniolo's everything, they were like her family. since her actual family was full of druggies and alcoholics, "mum had an episode, loren is at a friends house, and dad is M.I.A, again.. y'know the usual." she said casually, elaine being kind as always to poor lana, held her hand and rubbed her thumb against her knuckle, casually eating her sausage. after everyone was finished, the dishes were washed and the extra thrown. and that was the usual start of a sturniolo's day.

"matt?" elaine walked up to him in his bedroom, he was fast asleep. but could you blame him? other than nick's supposed help with cleaning, he did everything because he could not give a fuck less is elaine and chris were arguing on no doubt something stupid, but despite being tired he opened his eyes to the sight of his little sister there at his door, "yea ellie?" that was his nickname for her, they were close but in general elaine had a very close relationship with all three of her brothers, Justin was older than her about 10-12 years estimated so they never really talked, but still, "the power went out." elaine spoke softly in the dimmed room, matt had clearly noticed but didn't care, so when he was reminded that his sister is afraid of the dark, he engulfed her in a warm hug. and lead her to where he knows nick and chris would go. and surprise, surprise they were there arguing over the remote, not one noticing that the power was out, "stupid" matt whispered. by then lana had gone home with her older brother, loren, and elaine was still jumping at any slight sound. despite being one of the few child geniuses, she still was, again, a child so she feared the dark. even though it was childish, she did. finally snapping when she heard a creak from behind her, "FUCK! WHAT THE SHIT WAS THAT!" she yelled, her voice ringing out into the echoes of the home she was standing in. by that jump scare, the two boys had jumped amd looked around them, it had been clear the power went out so they quickly looked at their sister. sure they teased her about being afraid of the dark but they were always worried if she was in a place too dark. another reason they never took her to the movie theaters, "oh my god elaine! im sorry, chris was being stupid again" nick glared at his brother. chris, being chris, he just looked angrily at his brother, "fuck. you." spacing out the words. to be clear they had a flashlight so nick was quick to find it and turn it on, whenever there was a blackout the four siblings would build a blanket fort with pillows and watch stupid movies. so that's what they did, they had nick and elaine bring down fairy lights from the young girl's room. after, words exchanged in angry manner, elaine telling chris to shut the fuck up, they finished their fort and soon after the three put on their shoes and head out to get some snacks. it was something that never changed - even when elaine was on news titles and was featured to meet with elon musk - they still had blanket forts when there were blackouts, and went out with their mother for snacks, and watched movies when they were kids.

the four were entering 7 eleven when they heard someone gasp, they looked over at the sound and saw two girls looking at them. 'i bet it's because of my brothers' elaine thought, despite being still a bit famous and well known herself, she always was overlooked by her brothers. people would ask "aren't you the sturniolo triplets younger sister?" Or "you look like matt sturniolo!" "you look like chris sturniolo!" you look so similar to nick sturniolo!" so when these two girls asked, "aren't you the girl who graduated at 13 years old! we look up to you so much, you're our role model!" to say the least elaine was flabbergasted  (omg big words)

"really?" a voice was heard, they looked over the the cashier girl. clearly she has something to say.

{༺༻a/n - that was the first chapter! how'd you like it? hopefully it was good, because my past books were fucking terrible asf. anyways, how's your day going? hopefully it's lovely! remember you're beautiful!! ♡︎♡︎♡︎༺༻}

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