ch. 7

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"elaine what are you doing?" chris questions his younger sister

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"elaine what are you doing?" chris questions his younger sister. her hair was in a bun, her cheeks were red, her oversized t shirt splattered in paint, and a paint brush in between her lips, "what does look like i'm doing dipshit?" he didn't respond just looking at her, finally after a couple moments she sighs, "painting. i'm painting, you fucker." rolling her eyes at the last word seeing chris mouth 'ouch' and continued to paint. chris had jumped on her bed, laying on his side with one elbow supporting his weight, "what are you painting though?" chris asked,

"a landscape."

"of what?"

"of a field of flowers."

and silence once more, it was a nice comfortable silence though, lana del rey playing in the background. elaine was humming and silently singing along to her song 'Diet Mountain Dew' while mixing her brushes in water, "what if you add orange, like a shade of orange to the sun." chris recommend, elaine looked like she saw a bird and a dolphin fucking, "y'know to make it none plain." then she realized what he was trying to say, "thank you. maybe i will."

she did. she did add the orange, and spent time with chris while adding it, him begging to keep it because it was the first one she actually did what he said. long story short, it's hung up on his wall. "guys, guys! look what ella made me!" chris was skipping his step. for context, elaine never takes chris's recommendations to heart so adding orange to the sun was a big deal for him, "what?" nick was the first one to speak, "she made me an orange sun!" the two brothers stopped and looked at chris like he was crazy, "an orange sun?" matt asked, "yeah," chris looked childish in that moment, "she added orange to the sun when i told her i think orange would look good!" elaine was in the kitchen not giving a fuck, nick looked away from the tv, and matt stopped scrolling on his phone, "she took your recommendation?" chris nodded, "elaine!" nick yelled, elaine had placed her waffles on the counter and went over to the living room, "what do you want nick?" the triplets were surprised for a moment then remembered why they called her over, "did you or did you not take chris's suggestion on putting orange on a sun you were painting?" matt slowly spoke, why is this a big deal, elaine thought, "it's a big deal." what the fuck?, "because i realized it might look good. there, happy?" chris thought it was a good idea to narrate elaine, "and with that, the young girl walked away.. the end."

"chris shut up."

{a/n - i'm back! yippee, i guess. anyways i hope you guys have a wonderful night, afternoon, and good morning!}

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