ch. 13

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a/n - SCHOOL IS BEING A PAIN IN THE FUCKING ASS BRO, so like my bad if i update really slowly

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a/n - SCHOOL IS BEING A PAIN IN THE FUCKING ASS BRO, so like my bad if i update really slowly. my genral apologies! anyways, hope you made it this far!

it was 3 weeks ago when the four sibling got into a fight. and 1 week since they've fixed it.

*** 1 week ago ***

the house has been nothing but quiet since the siblings fought. lana has been coming over more but lately she's not coming over as often because of the awkwardness.

it was a monday afternoon and elaine was enrolling in school so she could get a full education in things. lately she hasn't been making a lot of friends, and her brothers asure her it's okay. it's okay to be alone, nick told her one night. don't worry about things you cannot control, matt whispered while hugging her. just chill with lana, don't care about other people, chris told her while sharing a pepsi.

just chill with lana.
it's okay to be alone.
don't worry about things  you can't control.

her anxiety said otherwise. everywhere she turned whispered erupted from the people around her,

"isn't she like really fucking smart?"

"i heard she's famous,"

"no retard, her brothers are. she's just y'know, there."

"isn't she that freaky nerd that gets lots of money for knowing shit she googled or something?"

"attention seeker!"

"pick me!"

"i bet she's lying about being the sturniolos sister!"

"she looks pretty, she's a bit of a freak, but at least she pretty."

people can go suck her dick, or at least that what she says to lana when they head home.

"and they were talking about me like i wasn't even there! what the fuck!" elaine as frustrated with everyone and everything. she was in high school, specifically a freshman. so y'know it sucked bad bad.

"you'll be fineee, at least you don't get into fights everyday!" lana always got into fights, and over the stupidest things. so elaine always patches her up (cliche cuz im basic 😘😘) "fuck off, that's your own fault!" laughter could be heard as they entered the apartment.

"madi?" she turned to looks at the younger girl, "ellie!" "madi!" they hugged each other so hard they ran out of breath and had to let each other go. madi starts up a conversation as elaine waves lana goodbye when loren passes and says they have to leave, "so how was school? did ya like it?" madi laughs at herself, elaine hated school with the passion and she expressed it too.

her brothers came home.

"WE ARE HOMEEEE!" chris yells as he enters the front door. "SHUT UP WE ARE RIGHT HERE!" lana yells back at him, as they enter the kitchen.

"sooooo," nick exaggerates the 'o', "how'd school go for you this time!" he pits the groceries away, "good," lana replies plainly. nick stared, "i wasn't talking to you," the curly haired girl scoffed, "whatever."

"it was better than two days ago." elaine continues to chat with madi.

the atmosphere has been better and everyone apologized, what still made it a bit weird was that the papers still hadn't come to LA yet. so elaine might actually be going back home.

then the door rang.

anxiety rushed through elaine's blood. it was probably matt, but matt enters through the back door where the garage is located. who was it? hopefully it was the papers, but what if it is the papers but her brothers doesn't have custody? what if she has to go back to boston? i mean, she loves her parents to death, she'd kill and die for them, but to be the new kid? again? not even a day of her new school and she has to go to another one! no, that's something she'll dread and complain about to her grave. probably. she still hasn't decided.

"who is it?" chris asked cheerily, a little too cheery.

"CPS." the woman on the other side answered, (idk if CPS does this type of stuff i just don't want to do research 😁)  the door swung open. chris had a nervous smile on his face as he stepped aside for the lady to enter. she had her blonde hair in a tight bun, her suit was a navy blue color that matched with her pitch black heels and light blue collared shirt. her heels clicked on the floor and she set a small stack of papers on the kitchen island, "these papers have confirmed you guys are her guardians," the people crowding the kitchen smiled widely, "but if i find out in anyway you are every so slightly mistreating her without the joking manner, i will remove her from this home," she spoke with a serious voice as she continued, "am i understood?" she looked at the adults in the room.

"yes ma'am." nick answered before anyone else could speak. "good. now i'll be off, good afternoon." the door shut behind her.

another door opens as matt enters with a few plastic bags and his keys, closing the door he speaks with a smile.

"so... what'd i miss."

a/n: i fucking hate myself that took for fucking ever.

anyways love you guyssss sorry if it's short and not that good, i just got a lot on my plate and my anxiety has gotten really bad! again, sorry. love youuu, bye bye

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