ch. 8

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elaine was sleeping on her stomach with peaceful breaths, making her body rise up and down. she was dreaming peacefully when she woke up aggressively, sitting up sweating. "just a night mare. it's fine they didn't die," she closed her eyes and exhaled heavily, but her brain screamed at her to go check on her brothers. so she slowly grabbed a lighter from her nightstand and walked from her room to matt's room and opened the door, "matty?" she whispered into the darkness, she put out her lighter seeing as her hand was tired of holding it up. by now elaine had memorized completely her brother's room by the back of her hand, and she was walking to his bed. her arms spreading around to see if there was anything her way, whispering matt's name again. finding her way to his bed sitting down trying to wake him up, "elaine?" matt spoke in a groggily voice (is that the right word?). elaine looked at him, or his figure and she let out a sigh, "i had a nightmare we were in a fire and you, chris, and nick died in your sleep an-and," elaine stopped for a moment before just sitting on the bed, criss crossed, crying. at this point fucking sobbing. there was a house fire a while ago at her old house before she moved in with her brothers. the nightmare sort of reminded her of the fire, even though she has a lighter beside her bed, she was a bit scared of fires. y'know ever since the said fire she had feared any big noises and large flames. she hated it

"it's okay, love. it's over. i'm here. nick is here. chris is here. we're alive maria, you're safe." matt was holding his crying sister in his arms and stroked her hair softly, "i love you. you're okay."

next morning elaine had slept in matt's room. finding herself alone in his bed with a pillow and makeshift bed on the floor, she figured matt had slept on the floor next to his bed to silently keep her company. also because she kicks in her sleep so, yeah. but anyways, she walked upstairs to see nick and matt sitting down with fruit and waffles on the table. chris wasn't up yet, she noted in her head. weird. "where is, chris?" she wondered as she walked across the kitchen to get some chocolate milk, "i dunno." nick was the first to answer her question, matt looked up from his phone looking at his sister when he spoke to her,"actually, good question. where is chris?" and so forth the rest of the morning trying to find chris, giving up like around 2:30 and at 4:50 chris showing up again.

"where the fuck were you christopher." elaine was stern but nick just yelled, "CHRIS WHAT THE FUCK, WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU. YOU PIECE OF SHIT." matt was peaceful in the background, elaine walking over to the calmest brother she had at the moment, seeing as chris and nick were arguing for some strange reason.

"boys are dumb?" matt looked up at his sister then at his brothers, nodding his head along, "yeah, boys are dumb."

{A/n - this took an insane amount of time because i've been supper busy. and hopefully i can get through with this book. and at this point it's just short stories on elaine's relationship with her brothers. anyways i hope you have had a wonder day! bye loves! <3}

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