Chapter 1

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Welcome to book two of my Tech story! Woohoo! Excited to show you where Onyx and Tech's relationship goes from here and how it progresses and the struggles that they face.

I cursed to myself as I broke out of the green luscious forest and onto the beach. My boots digging into the sand, spraying clouds of particles with each step. I glanced over my shoulder to see Echo was hot on my trail. However the second his feet touched the coastline his legs froze up in the crystal blue waters.

Unfortunately that caused him to faceplate straight into it. I was about to stop in my tracks to help, but Hunter beat me to it. Him and Wrecker, latter with package in hand raced down beach towards me. A scream emulated from under Wrecker's helmet as he carried the huge metal crate. His arms securing it tightly against his chest.

"Beginning to think this plan was a bad idea from the start". I called out just as a handful of those enormous crabs broke out into the sand and crawled after us. Their screeching filling my ears. I hated the sound they made. The other three had finally caught up with me.

"What gave it away? The fact that Wrecker didn't pay attention after we went over the plan five times!" Echo shouted at our tank, gesturing to the five fingers on his only hand.

Wrecker scoffed. "I got the package, didnt I!" He shouted back, lifting up the crate to show Echo that we did indeed get what we came for. I rolled my eyes.

"You did Wrecker, but we were not supposed to disturb the crabs!". I reminded him of Cid's exact instructions. He groaned. I glanced over my shoulder again and my eyes widened in alarm. The crabs were gaining on us. We needed to get back to the ship and fast.

"Just keep moving!" Hunter ordered. Didn't have to tell me twice. With my long legs I picked up more speed. Maybe I should have ignited my saber and done something, but maybe that wasn't such a good idea either. However we did need some back up. Luckily for us our ship wasn't too far off.

"Tech". I spoke into my com. "We got the crate, but we could definitely use some back up"

"Wrecker woke the pod, didn't he?" Tech answered me, not sounding surprised at all. Neither was I. I sighed.

"Oh yeah and their not happy with us, as I'm sure they wouldn't be. We need a pick up as soon as possible". I replied, an urgency in my voice. Before I could hear his reply, some how a smaller, but still quite large crab, had snuck up on me. It was on me in minutes. It swiped its massive front claw at me, catching my arm in the process.

    Adrenaline pulsing through me, I used the force and pushed myself away from the crab. The action, however, sent me flying backwards as pain shot through my arm. I gripped it as my back landed on the sand. Kriff. Not again. My arm had finally finished being healed a few months ago and now this?! Just my luck. Thankfully as I examined the damage to it no chunks had been taken out, but it would still be a process to heal back it to normal.

"ONYX". Techs very urgent voice jolted me back to our present situation. I shook my head, noticing that Echo was racing to me as Hunter and Wrecker shot at more of the crabs.

"I-I'm fine, Tech. Please tell me your on your way".

A breath was heard over my comlink. No doubt he was relieved to hear that was okay. I glanced down at my now bleeding arm. I sighed. For the the most part anyways.

"Are you certain you are all right, cyar'ika? Because you did not-"

"She will be, Tech". Echo said to Tech, slightly out of breath from his race over here. "Just get over here!" He clicked his button off and kneeled down to my level. He then raised my arm up to lift it over his shoulder. Then hoisted me up, making sure that all my weight was on him. My teeth clenched in pain as he then let me go. This time I didn't hesitate to take out my saber and light it up. I wasn't taking any more chances now. Then the two of us took off.

Forever my cyar'ika ~~ Tech x OC (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now