Chapter 11

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      Hunter and Echos simple mission as Tech had described it, was in fact not so simple. Who knew a nerf nugget run could turn into a full on blaster shootout.

Hunter was less then thrilled about the whole ordeal. After finding out that Cid owed us for rescuing her, he decided to cash in on that favor. Which entailed a small break for us. Omega was less then enthused about it. She lived for our next mission and not knowing when it would be made her restless.

Thankfully Hunter and Tech kept her busy. If she wasn't practicing her bow skills then Tech was assigning her new ships to study. She had been getting pretty good at identifying the different components of each vessel.

    Inbetween lessons she had been begging Tech to teach her how to fly. He was wasn't so keen on the idea, however. Although she probably could do it, Tech thought of the ship as his personal treasure. The last thing he probably wanted was to damage it. Though I knew for a fact that Omega would be careful. It was our home after all. Hers too.

    And speaking of homes, I was starting to think that my room aboard the Havoc was quickly becoming Tech's as well. A handful of his projects had found their way onto my small table. Not that I minded. I did not have much in my room as it was. A few holograms of us and the flower we visited, that was the extent of it. I had no problem with his items being scattered about.

After all partners usually shared spaces and I had no problem sharing mine. Especially if it meant spending alone time with him. Even if most times we were alone we were on my bed curled up together. How we went to sleep most nights and woke up most mornings.

   This morning was no different, however this morning I was the first to open my eyes. My body was curled up perfectly in Techs embrace, fitting against his body like a puzzle piece. Strands of my long dark blue hair sprayed out across his bare chest. The small blue lights illuminated the sharpness of Tech's features making him come alive in the darkness. The clones did all look alike, but the bad batch was different. Tech was different. His features were more sharper in a handsome way.

The way his cheeks curved down, highlighting his jawline. I lifted my chin up to rest on his chest and softly followed the lines of his jaw with my fingers. Tracing the lines in his face, trying my best not to wake him. It was often that all of us caught him in the act of stealing glances at me from time to time. Always memorized by my appearance, so now was my turn. Additionally it was rare to see him without his yellow tinted goggles. The only time being when it was just the two of us engaged in certain activities.

Sudden shifts of movement caused me to smile as I watched Tech stir. Slowly he fluttered his eyes open. Letting them adjust to the first flashes of light. Rolling over I reached up to grab hold of his goggles, then I placed them in his hand.

"Morning". I greeted him. Tech immediately pulled his eyewear on and planted a kiss on my shoulder blade. Sparks of heat flooded the area.

"Good morning mesh'la". The roughness of his morning voice was something I'd never tire of. Another kiss was pressed into my skin. "Are you well?"

"Very. You?"

Tech grinned. "If I am waking up next to you then I am well". I playfully rolled my eyes at him, but enjoyed every moment of it. Though it couldn't last for very long. Something was telling me that today would be our last day of rest. Omega would be over the moon about it. I had no doubts about that.

"We should probably get dressed". I suggested laying my head back on his chest. Though I did not want to. Tech laced his fingers through my hair. Running his slender fingers down it, feeling the strands between his skin.

Forever my cyar'ika ~~ Tech x OC (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now