Chapter 34

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      "That's not it either!". I exclaimed in defeat. I frantically searched through the slides of holo photos on Tech's datapad, scrambling to find the perfect one. Not a single one of them seemed to be what I was looking for. After a few more minutes of fruitless searching, I laid the device down on the table in front of me and sighed in frustration.

   "This is impossible". I groaned. "Pabu has a beautiful selection of tropical flowers, but I'm not sure which ones would work better! The blue water lilies are so vibrant and they smell wonderful. On the other hand you have the orange sunset glow stars that are exquisite in the sunlight and there's the red roses that are timeless and absolutely stunning. Not to mention they would—"

Next to me, Tech chuckled lightly, taking a sip of his coffee. His longing gaze never leaving my profile as I signed in defeat. Noticing his lingering stare, I turned my body to face him finally.

     "Are you going to help me or continue to sta—"

I did not get to finish my statement for abruptly Tech crashed his lips onto mine. Cutting me off. His hands came to cup my cheeks in an loving embrace, stroking the skin beneath his own. At first the kiss started out heated, passionate, a warmth igniting between us, but then quickly simmered down into one of contentment. One that held weight.

As he was the one to start this, Tech was the first to pull away. The browns of his eyes holding still with mine, Staring back at me with nothing but absolute love. His hands, however hovered above my waist now.

"W-what was that for?" I questioned a bit out of breath, caught off guard by his sudden affection.

A smirked painted across his soft lips. "You, my darling were rambling". He remarked.

Pink flushed on my cheeks at the realization of what I had done. "I was? I didn't mean to. I'm—"

    "Do not apologize cyar'ika. As you find enjoyment in my ramblings, I find great pleasure in yours". Tech admitted. "Though I am unfamiliar with botany, and therefore floral and fauna, it is rather...enduring to see you so passionate about it. I dare say it is...rather attractive".

The hint of a devilish smirk starting to peak through caused my cheeks to heat up more. Tech rarely had that kind of expression on his face. When he did, however, it usually lead to one of two things, based on the activities that hastily followed suit.

Not that I minded either option. In fact I enjoyed them both equally, unfortunately we had other things to do today. One thing in particular that I was highly looking forward to and I wanted nothing to distract me from when it arrived. For I had not seen either of them in nearly a year.

It was not surprising unfortunately. Echo and Rex were busy. Off locating other clones that needed to be rescued. It was a time consuming job to do. It was also a secretive operation. Meaning radio silence from both of them were, more often then not, the new normal. At times it was disappointing to not hear from either of them, but I knew they were needed elsewhere.

The small pockets of time we did manage to get in touch, were short and simple. Most of the times we had to communicate through code phrases. Neither of us wanted it to be that way, but after one of their missions was nearly compromised, they needed to be more careful about who and how they communicated. I understood it, but it unfortunately meant that I had still not relayed to Echo nor Rex about my upcoming engagement. And it was happening in less then a year.

Thank the maker that fortunately Rex and Echo were taking some time away from the front lines to come visit. I was surprised, but grateful to hear that Gregor and Howizer had risen up their ranks to now be leaders themselves. It was the two of them that offered—demanded actually, to take Rex and Echo's positions so they could come for an extended stay.

Forever my cyar'ika ~~ Tech x OC (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now