33. Superiority Complex

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(New and edited)
CHAPTER 33: Superiority Complex

I believed the incredulous moment when a polished, century-old crown would grace the head of an entitled heir to a throne that needed to advance its times and perhaps its knowledge considering the crowning of Nicolai Darkling felt more like a ridiculous stage of bullshit. The man that looked more like the Pope lowers it onto the crowning of Martin's head.

Females didn't have crowns or even tiaras, they had fancy, tight corsets and perverted freaks who think this initiation is actually happening, "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the crowning of King Nicolai the third Darkling, the Alpha of the Darkling realm and leader to all alphas. We are here for the overjoyed reunion..." His voice gets drained from my mind like a boring teacher talking about aetiology.

Martin's sharp silver eyes penetrate the atmosphere. It's not long before the atmosphere changes towards the meals. Soup was given to me and meat to everyone else. I look at Martin, "This your doing?" I ask him.

He glances at me, "Not to your liking, dear?" He asks me.

I stare at him blankly.

"My King, I believe now would be a good time to speak of your initiation. Your request for privacy and confidentiality does not accurately apply to the rules and regulations of tradition toward the initiation night. We believe it would be far more proper if the initiation was undergone in the east wing, it is a more private and romantic setting for you and your—" I cut the Pope off.

"If you say one more word about you and your pack of councillors about your perverted pornography stunts because you all can't get it up nor can you get women, I will shove your dick back up straight to your large intestine and sew it up until you shrivel up in your own fluids and die with everything not knowing whether you had testicles or a vagina." I say to him, strictly. Athena cracks up laughing as the council look mortified by my threat.

Matin purses his lips as he blinks to hide his troubled laughter too.

The Pope can't look away from me, I give him a sickly smile, "Don't think I won't do it, it's a new development morgues use to learn more about the male anatomy, you can be the next test subject." I suggest, optimistic. He looks pale, sickly enough to perhaps vomits his guts up. A girl could dream.

I grab my glass of wine while Elias and the rest of the bloody Elders try increasingly hard to stay staring at the perfected porcelain pieces with artistic meat and intricate vegetables shaped to make an alluring piece. Pathetic. People were starving in the human realm and packs were struggling with more problems than most and here Martin was, along with the rest of the village idiots thinking they held power.

They didn't know the definition, "King Nicolai, will you stop her indiscretions?" Of course they'd ask for him. Fools follow fools.

"The east wing is the new war room, hope you'll find the memories in there to influence accurate and ethical decisions for the upcoming strategies and meetings on making the world a better place. Of ethical constructs and the essence of equality. No man would be here without a woman. Someone had the consequence of birthing you, councillors, I can right the world with your deaths." I threaten, my tongue sharper than a werewolf bite to a vampire.

I walked away with no complaints, no consequences behind my tongue and Martin's managerial attitude that now was dulled because of my nanobots. His superiority complex went from a thousand to negative one thousand and all I fucking had to do was inject those things in him. Make him susceptible to my suggestion and to stop his toxic behaviour from seeing light again.

I knew I was being followed, Alastair's plans were narrowed and working, until my whirlwind destroyed his manipulations, "Where the hell do you think you're going?" Alastair spits behind me. I needed more nanobots for him.

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