☆The Funny Preformance & The Snake School☆

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The night of june 20 to june 21 2023

I was walking in some kind of store, probably a clothing store. I do not remember if something happened before, but I saw Rose looking at something. I walk up to her and then I see what she sees. A friend of her is standing on a stage. I do not have a clue on what is happening.

Rose looked at me and music suddenly starts playing. I looked at the friend of hers.
I never liked him, but she does (as a friend). He suddenly starts dancing, it is a ballet dance and it looked hilarious. Me and Rose are starting to laugh. It looked so stupid and dumb.

Suddenly it feels like I am being grabbed by something and before I know, I am horizontal spinning in the room. I screamed to my friend for help, while I am still laughing, It is actually really fun. My friend does not seem to notice, until she looks up. She sees me and starts laughing even harder.

I wake up and remember my dream. I went to get some water and wrote down some words to remember my dream. Then I went back to bed and landed in another dream:

Me and my mom went to a school to ask for more information.
I had to stay, my mom went away. I got some invite to a camp from the school. Atleast, I thought it was a camp, turns out it was not. Before I could go, you have to pay for it. I asked:' What does it cost?", but I did not get a clear answer from the woman who offered me to come. Even without a clear answer, I act like I did get one.

I went to my mom and asked her if I could go. She allowed me and we went on a boat. I saw snakes in the water, some were turned upside down. Suddenly we are at the place where the boat should take us, but we have not even gotten far from the school (wich does not look like a school btw).

There is still a bit water and a bit of land with grass, but there were more snakes then you could see water or grass. I am confused when I look at it, but I have fun somehow.
I do not really remember what we did. There are some other people, but they all looked the same. We wanted to go back and I teleported into a school and completely forgot about what happened. It is like I entered a new dream, but a stressful one.

I am in my new school. I am sitting down for my first class and before it even could start it, already had ended. I am in my room in the school. (This is weird, because I don't sleep at my school, I do not have a room in the school. There is a room between me and my friend. I am not sure wich friend or if it is even my friend from real life.)

I wanted to sleep in my new room and so I did, I wake up and I have no idea what the time is. I don't know when class starts, I don't know why I still have my normal clothes on. The "normal" clothes are actually my work clothes from real life.
I am confused and feel very stressed. I walk trough the hallway to see the friend, but somehow I can not get to them.

I try to find my phone and got it, but everything is gone on my phone. I can't even find the time. I swipe on my phone and suddenly there are apps on that I would download if I was a child. I am in the hallway, I do not remember walking over there. The walls have become different, normally there would be other rooms, now its full of toys for children.

I found something I used to like as a kid. It was already a bit open and my friend is next to me. They looked at me and says something, but I do not remember it.
I walked back to the room and try to sleep. I start to cry, I do not know why actually. I hoped someone heard me, but no one did. I still don't know the time and I am scared that someone will come to me and say why I did not show up and begin to scream at me.
Luckily I slowely woke up.

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